wilful [ˈwɪlfʊl]
- 故意的;蓄意的;存心的。
- 固执的;任性的。
wilful [ˈwɪlfʊl]
- 固执己见的人。
1. wilful 和 willful 是同一个词,只是拼写不同。在英国英语中,一般使用 wilful 这种拼写方式;而在美国英语中,则使用 willful。
2. wilful 是指某人的行为故意的或者固执的,强调其有意识地做了某事或者坚持自己的观点。
3. wilful 通常用于负面含义,表示某人的行为或态度不合理或不受控制。
1. willfully (adv.) 故意地;存心地;任性地。
2. willfulness (n.) 故意性;固执;任性。
3. will (v.) 愿意;希望。
obstinate, headstrong, stubborn, pigheaded
compliant, obedient, docile, submissive
- If you describe actions or attitudes as wilful, you are critical of them because they are done or expressed deliberately, especially with the intention of causing someone harm. (disapproval)
- If you describe someone as wilful, you are critical of them because they do things or say things that they want to do or say, even though they know that they are wrong or unreasonable. (disapproval)
- (of an action) intentional; deliberate.
- (of a person) having or showing a stubborn and determined intention to do as one wants, regardless of the consequences or effects.
wilful 这个词通常用于贬义,表示某人的行为是故意的、固执的、任性的。它可以用来描述行为、态度或者人本身。
- His wilful disregard for the rules led to his suspension. (他故意无视规则导致被停职。)
- She refused to listen to anyone's advice, displaying a wilful determination. (她拒绝听取任何人的建议,表现出固执的决心。)
- The child's wilful behavior caused frustration among the teachers. (这个孩子的任性行为使老师们感到沮丧。)
- Despite the evidence against him, he maintained a wilful denial of his involvement. (尽管有他的罪证,他仍然固执地否认自己的参与。)
- The wilful are often blind to the consequences of their actions. (固执的人往往对自己行为的后果视而不见。)
- She is known for her wilful nature and refusal to compromise. (她以固执的性格和拒绝妥协而闻名。)
- He pleaded wilful ignorance of the law, but the judge did not accept his excuse. (他自称对法律一无所知,但法官不接受他的借口。)
- The suspect's wilful silence during the interrogation only deepened the investigators' suspicions. (嫌疑人在审讯中故意保持沉默,只是加深了调查人员的怀疑。)
- Her wilful defiance of authority often got her into trouble. (她对权威的蔑视常常给她惹上麻烦。)
- He showed a wilful disregard for safety regulations. (他对安全规定表现出了故意的漠视。)
- As a wilful, he insisted on taking the difficult path despite the easier alternative. (作为一个固执己见的人,尽管有更容易的选择,他还是坚持走了困难的道路。)
- The company's wilful negligence resulted in a major environmental catastrophe. (公司的故意疏忽导致了一场重大的环境灾难。)
- His wilful behavior frustrated his parents, who tried to guide him towards a better path. (他的任性行为让父母感到沮丧,他们试图引导他走上更好的道路。)
- The politician's wilful manipulation of facts made him lose credibility among the public. (这位政治家对事实的故意操纵使他在公众中失去了信誉。)
- Her wilful decision to quit her job surprised everyone. (她任性地决定辞职,让大家都感到惊讶。)
- Despite the warnings, he continued his wilful disregard for his health. (尽管有警告,他仍然任性地不顾自己的健康。)
- The child's wilful disobedience led to a loss of privileges. (这个孩子的固执不听话导致了特权的丧失。)
- She displayed a wilful disregard for social norms. (她表现出对社会规范的固执漠视。)
- His wilful actions brought shame upon his family. (他的故意行为给他的家庭带来了耻辱。)
- She had a wilful determination to succeed against all odds. (她有着不惧任何困难的坚定决心要成功。)