1. 野生动植物;野生生物
1) wildlife conservation 野生动物保护
2) wildlife habitat 野生动物栖息地
3) wildlife sanctuary 野生动物保护区
2. 野生动植物观察
1) wildlife photography 野生动植物摄影
2) wildlife tourism 野生动植物观光
1. 野生的;野生动植物的
1) wildlife reserve 野生动植物保护区
2) wildlife park 野生动植物园
1. wildlife vs. domesticated animals
Wildlife refers to animals that live in their native habitats and are not domesticated. Domesticated animals, on the other hand, are bred and raised by humans for various purposes such as agriculture, companionship, or work.
1. fauna
2. animal kingdom
3. wild animals
1. domesticated animals
2. pets
wildlife (noun)
1. Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions:
Example: Protecting wildlife is important for maintaining ecological balance.
2. The observation and study of wild animals in their natural habitats:
Example: He has a keen interest in wildlife and spends his vacations on safaris.
wildlife (noun)
Animals and plants that live in the wild rather than being kept by humans.
1. They organized a wildlife conservation program to protect endangered species.
2. The national park is home to a diverse range of wildlife.
- Protecting wildlife is crucial for maintaining ecological balance.(保护野生动植物对于维持生态平衡至关重要。)
- The documentary showcases the incredible diversity of wildlife in Africa.(这部纪录片展示了非洲令人难以置信的野生动植物多样性。)
- She has a deep passion for wildlife photography and travels to remote places to capture unique moments.(她对野生动植物摄影有着深厚的热情,并前往偏远地方捕捉独特瞬间。)
- Visiting the wildlife sanctuary allowed us to see rare species up close.(参观野生动物保护区让我们近距离观察到了稀有物种。)
- The wildlife park provides a natural habitat for various animals.(野生动物园为各种动物提供了自然栖息地。)
- Her dream is to work as a wildlife conservationist and protect endangered animals.(她的梦想是成为一名野生动物保护专家并保护濒危动物。)
- During the safari, we encountered a wide range of wildlife, including lions, elephants, and giraffes.(在野生动物观光中,我们遇到了各种各样的野生动物,包括狮子、大象和长颈鹿。)
- Wildlife tourism has become a popular industry in many countries, attracting nature enthusiasts from around the world.(野生动植物观光已成为许多国家的热门产业,吸引着来自世界各地的自然爱好者。)
- The construction of roads and buildings has led to the destruction of wildlife habitats.(道路和建筑的建设导致了野生动植物栖息地的破坏。)
- In this area, you can spot a variety of wildlife, including deer, foxes, and rabbits.(在这个地区,你可以看到各种各样的野生动物,包括鹿、狐狸和兔子。)
- She enjoys going on nature hikes to observe and photograph wildlife.(她喜欢进行自然徒步旅行,观察和拍摄野生动植物。)
- The government has implemented strict regulations to prevent the illegal hunting of wildlife.(政府已实施严格的法规,以防止非法捕猎野生动植物。)
- He studies the behavior and migration patterns of different wildlife species.(他研究不同野生动植物物种的行为和迁徙模式。)
- Wildlife documentaries provide valuable insights into the natural world and its inhabitants.(野生动物纪录片为我们了解自然界及其居民提供了宝贵的见解。)
- The organization is dedicated to the preservation of wildlife and their habitats.(该组织致力于保护野生动植物及其栖息地。)
- She volunteers at a wildlife rehabilitation center, helping injured animals recover and return to the wild.(她在一家野生动物康复中心做志愿者,帮助受伤动物康复并返回自然。)
- Due to deforestation, many wildlife species are facing the threat of extinction.(由于森林砍伐,许多野生动植物物种正面临灭绝的威胁。)
- Wildlife biologists study the interactions between different species and their environments.(野生动植物生物学家研究不同物种及其环境之间的相互作用。)
- He captured stunning images of wildlife while on his expedition in the rainforest.(他在雨林探险中拍摄到了令人惊叹的野生动植物照片。)
- They organized a wildlife awareness campaign to educate the public about the importance of conservation.(他们组织了一场野生动植物意识宣传活动,向公众普及保护的重要性。)