1. (美国小说家) Willa Cather - Definition: An American writer known for her novels depicting frontier life on the Great Plains. - Translation: 美国作家威拉·卡瑟形容词
1. Willa Cather's - Definition: Relating to or characteristic of the writings of Willa Cather. - Translation: 威拉·卡瑟的词语辨析
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- Willa Cather was a prominent American writer in the early 20th century. (威拉·卡瑟是20世纪初著名的美国作家。)
- Many of Willa Cather's novels depict the struggles and triumphs of pioneers on the Great Plains. (威拉·卡瑟的许多小说描绘了大草原上先驱者的挣扎与胜利。)
- Her writing style, often characterized as vivid and poetic, sets Willa Cather apart from other authors of her time. (她的写作风格常被描述为生动而富有诗意,这使得威拉·卡瑟与同时代的其他作家区别开来。)
- Willa Cather won several prestigious literary awards during her career. (威拉·卡瑟在职业生涯中获得了几个重要的文学奖项。)
- Students studying American literature often analyze the themes and symbolism in Willa Cather's works. (学习美国文学的学生经常分析威拉·卡瑟作品中的主题和象征主义。)
- Willa Cather's novels are considered classics of American literature. (威拉·卡瑟的小说被认为是美国文学的经典之作。)
- One of Willa Cather's most famous novels is "My Ántonia". (威拉·卡瑟最著名的小说之一是《我的安东尼亚》。)
- Willa Cather's portrayal of the Nebraska landscape is vivid and evocative. (威拉·卡瑟对内布拉斯加州的风景描绘生动而引人回味。)
- The characters in Willa Cather's novels often face challenges and hardships. (威拉·卡瑟的小说中的人物常常面临挑战和困难。)
- Willa Cather's writing reflects her deep love and appreciation for the American West. (威拉·卡瑟的写作反映了她对美国西部的深深热爱和欣赏。)
- Readers are captivated by the emotional depth and lyrical prose in Willa Cather's novels. (读者们被威拉·卡瑟小说中的情感深度和抒情散文所吸引。)
- Willa Cather's works continue to be studied and celebrated for their literary significance. (威拉·卡瑟的作品因其文学价值而继续被研究和赞美。)
- Willa Cather's novels explore themes of identity, belonging, and the human connection to the land. (威拉·卡瑟的小说探索了身份、归属和人类与土地的联系等主题。)
- Willa Cather's writing style is often praised for its vivid imagery and lyrical language. (威拉·卡瑟的写作风格常因其生动的意象和抒情的语言而受到赞扬。)
- Willa Cather's novels provide a glimpse into the lives of early settlers in the American West. (威拉·卡瑟的小说让人们一窥了美国西部早期定居者的生活。)
- Willa Cather's characters are often complex and multi-dimensional, reflecting the complexities of human nature. (威拉·卡瑟的角色常常是复杂而多维的,反映了人性的复杂性。)
- Willa Cather's novels celebrate the resilience and determination of the human spirit. (威拉·卡瑟的小说赞美了人类精神的坚韧和决心。)
- Willa Cather's writing captures the essence of the American frontier and its impact on the people who settled there. (威拉·卡瑟的写作捕捉到了美国边疆的本质及其对定居在那里的人们的影响。)
- Willa Cather's novels are known for their rich descriptions and realistic portrayals of characters. (威拉·卡瑟的小说以其丰富的描写和对角色的真实刻画而闻名。)