1. 弱智的 (adj.)
Definition: 指智力低下或发展迟缓的,能力有限的。
Example: The boy was born with a wih child, and required special education.
2. 薄弱的 (adj.)
Definition: 缺乏力量、能力或效果的。
Example: The team's defense was wih and easily defeated by the opponents.
1. 弱智儿童 (n.)
Definition: 智力低下或发展迟缓的儿童。
Example: The school provides specialized programs for wih.
2. 弱点 (n.)
Definition: 一个人或事物的缺陷或不足之处。
Example: The company's wih is its lack of marketing strategy.
在不同语境下,wih 可以表示智力低下的人、某人或某事物的薄弱点。
1. weakness (n.) - 弱点
2. intellectual disability (n.) - 智力残疾
3. feeble (adj.) - 虚弱的
1. feeble-minded (adj.) - 弱智的
2. deficient (adj.) - 缺乏的
3. vulnerable (adj.) - 脆弱的
1. intelligent (adj.) - 聪明的
2. strong (adj.) - 强壮的
3. capability (n.) - 能力
wih 这个词不在柯林斯词典中。
wih 这个词不在牛津词典中。
wih 通常用作形容词来描述弱智的人或事物的薄弱点。它也可以作为名词来指代弱智儿童或某人/某事物的弱点。
- The child was born wih and required special education. (这个孩子天生就是一个弱智儿童,需要特殊教育。)
- The team's defense was wih and easily defeated by the opponents. (这支队伍的防守很薄弱,容易被对手击败。)
- The school provides specialized programs for wih. (这所学校为弱智儿童提供了专门的项目。)
- The company's wih is its lack of marketing strategy. (该公司的弱点是缺乏市场营销策略。)
- He is often seen as a wih by his peers. (他常常被同龄人视为一个弱智。)
- The team's wih in goalkeeping cost them the match. (该队在守门员方面的弱点使他们输掉了比赛。)
- She was born wih, but her determination and hard work have brought her success. (她天生智力低下,但她的决心和努力带给她了成功。)
- His wih lies in his inability to concentrate for long periods of time. (他的弱点在于无法长时间集中注意力。)
- The project has a few wih that need to be addressed before implementation. (这个项目有一些需要在实施之前解决的弱点。)
- The wih of the plan was its lack of financial feasibility. (该计划的弱点在于缺乏财务可行性。)
- Despite his wih, he has a strong sense of determination. (尽管他有弱点,但他有很强的决心。)
- The team's wih in defense was evident during their last match. (该队在防守方面的弱点在他们最后一场比赛中表现得很明显。)
- The company needs to identify its wih and work towards improving them. (公司需要找出自身的弱点,并朝着改进它们的方向努力。)
- She has always struggled with her wih in mathematics. (她一直在数学方面有困难。)
- The wih of the bridge's design was its lack of structural stability. (这座桥设计的弱点在于缺乏结构稳定性。)
- The wih of the proposal was its failure to address environmental concerns. (该提案的弱点是没有解决环境问题。)
- His wih in public speaking has hindered his career progression. (他在公众演讲方面的弱点阻碍了他的事业发展。)
- Despite her wih, she has been able to excel in other areas. (尽管她有弱点,但她在其他方面表现出色。)
- The team needs to work on strengthening their wih to become more competitive. (该队需要加强自身的弱点,以提高竞争力。)
- His wih of confidence affected his performance in the job interview. (他缺乏自信的弱点影响了他在工作面试中的表现。)
- The project's wih in funding led to its cancellation. (该项目在资金方面的弱点导致了它的取消。)