1. strong-willed
strong-willed [ˌstrɒŋˈwɪld] (adj.):
having a very strong determination or willpower.
- He is a strong-willed person and never gives up easily. (他意志坚强,从不轻易放弃。)
- She has a strong-willed personality and always stands up for what she believes in. (她个性坚强,总是坚持自己的信念。)
1. will
will [wɪl] (n.):
1. the mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action.
- It was her will to pursue a career in music. (她有意愿从事音乐事业。)
- He has a strong will to succeed. (他有强烈的成功欲望。)
1. will vs. shall
Both "will" and "shall" can be used to express future actions. However, in modern English, "will" is generally used with all subjects, while "shall" is mostly used with the first person singular and plural (I and we) to express an intention or offer.
- I will visit my grandparents tomorrow. (我明天将去看望我的祖父母。)
- Shall we go to the movies tonight? (我们今晚去看电影吗?)
- free will: the ability to make choices or decisions voluntarily(自由意志)
- strong-willed: having a very strong determination or willpower(意志坚强的)
- last will and testament: a legal document stating a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property after death(遗嘱)
- force of will: a strong determination or resolve(意志力)
- resolve: determination or decision to do something(决心)
- determination: firmness of purpose; resolve(决心)
- volition: the faculty or power of using one's will(意愿)
- unwillingness: lack of willingness or reluctance(不情愿)
- weak-willed: lacking determination or willpower(意志薄弱的)
- indecision: inability to make a decision quickly(优柔寡断)
will (noun):
- Will is the determination to do something that you have decided to do.
- If you say that something will happen, you mean that it is intended to happen or that someone wants it to happen.
- You can use will to indicate that you hope, think, or have evidence that something is going to happen or be the case in the future.
- 意愿,决心。
- 将来会发生的事情。
- 表示希望、认为或拥有证据,某事将来会发生或成为事实。
will (noun):
- the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action.
- used to indicate desire, consent, or willingness.
- expressing a strong intention or assertion about the future.
- 决断和发动行动的能力。
- 表示愿望、同意或意愿。
- 表达对未来的强烈意愿或断言。
- will + verb: to express a future action or intention.
- will + verb (in questions): to make polite requests or offers.
- will + verb (to talk about habits or predictions based on present evidence): He will always arrive late. It will rain tomorrow.
- will + verb (to express determination or insistence): I will finish this task no matter what.
- I will help you with your homework later. (我稍后会帮你做作业。)
- Will you please pass me the salt? (请把盐递给我好吗?)
- It will be a great party. (这将是一个很棒的派对。)
- I will not tolerate any more excuses. (我不会再容忍任何借口。)
- She will always choose the path less traveled. (她总是会选择不平凡的道路。)
- He will become a famous actor one day. (他终有一天会成为一名著名演员。)
- They will never understand the true meaning of love. (他们永远不会理解爱的真正含义。)
- We will have dinner at the new restaurant downtown. (我们将在市区的新餐厅吃晚饭。)
- She will not take no for an answer. (她绝不会接受“不”作为答案。)
- The baby will cry if he doesn't get his bottle. (如果他不喂奶,宝宝会哭的。)
- I will always love you, no matter what. (无论如何,我永远爱你。)
- He will be the next president of the company. (他将成为公司的下一任总裁。)
- She will be attending the conference next week. (下周她将参加这个会议。)
- He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. (他将尽一切努力实现他的目标。)
- The sun will rise in the east. (太阳将从东方升起。)
- I will not let fear control me. (我不会让恐惧控制我。)
- They will be here soon. (他们很快就会到这里。)
- She will always be there for you when you need her. (无论何时需要,她都会在那里支持你。)
- We will not give up until we succeed. (在成功之前,我们决不放弃。)
- He will not listen to reason. (他不愿听劝。)