wipeout, crash, failure, disaster, setback词汇扩充
wipeout artist, wipeout wave近义词
defeat, elimination, downfall, ruin, collapse反义词
success, victory, triumph柯林斯词典例句
- The wipeout of the team in the first round was a shock to their fans.(该队在第一轮比赛中的淘汰对球迷来说是个打击。)
- He narrowly escaped a wipeout when his car skidded on the icy road.(他的车在结冰的路上打滑,差点发生撞车事故。)
- The surfer lost his balance and had a wipeout.(冲浪者失去了平衡,摔倒了。)
- The financial crisis resulted in a wipeout of many businesses.(金融危机导致许多企业的破产。)
- The plane suffered a complete wipeout during the crash.(飞机在坠机事故中完全毁灭了。)
- The team's hopes of winning were dashed after their wipeout in the semifinals.(在半决赛中被淘汰后,该队赢得冠军的希望破灭了。)
- The wipeout of the company resulted in significant job losses.(公司的破产导致了大量的失业。)
- She experienced a personal wipeout when her marriage ended in divorce.(她的婚姻以离婚告终,给她个人带来了沉重的打击。)
- His wipeout in the final round was unexpected.(意外的是,他在决赛中被淘汰了。)
- The wipeout wave crashed onto the shore, tossing the surfers into the air.(拍岸的巨浪把冲浪者甩到空中。)
- The stock market crash resulted in a wipeout of investors' savings.(股市崩盘导致投资者的积蓄付诸东流。)
- She had a wipeout on the ski slope and tumbled down the hill.(她在滑雪坡上摔倒,滚下了山坡。)
- The wipeout of their business left them in financial ruin.(他们的生意失败了,陷入了财务困境。)
- After the wipeout, he had to start all over again.(在破产之后,他不得不重新开始。)
- The wipeout in the first round of the tournament was a disappointment for the team.(在锦标赛的第一轮中被淘汰,对这支队伍来说是个失望。)
- The wipeout artist performed daring stunts on the wave.(这位冲浪高手在浪上表演了大胆的特技。)
- They experienced a wipeout of their dreams when their plans fell apart.(当他们的计划破产时,他们的梦想也破灭了。)
- The wipeout of the team was a blow to their morale.(该队的淘汰对他们的士气是个打击。)
- He narrowly avoided a wipeout on the icy road.(他在结冰的路上险些撞车。)
- The wipeout of the company led to massive layoffs.(公司的倒闭导致了大规模的裁员。)
- She couldn't recover from the wipeout and decided to quit.(她无法从失败中恢复过来,决定放弃。)
- The wipeout wave crashed down on them, knocking them off their feet.(拍岸的巨浪击中了他们,把他们击倒在地。)
- They experienced a wipeout of their savings due to the economic downturn.(由于经济下滑,他们的积蓄付之一炬。)
- Despite the wipeout, they remained determined to succeed.(尽管遭受失败,他们仍然决心要成功。)
- He suffered a wipeout during the race and had to withdraw.(他在比赛中遭遇失败,不得不退出比赛。)
- The wipeout of their business was a devastating blow to their livelihood.(他们的生意失败对他们的生计是一个毁灭性的打击。)
- After the wipeout, they had to rebuild their lives from scratch.(在失败之后,他们不得不从头开始重建他们的生活。)
- The wipeout in the stock market wiped out their entire investment.(股市的崩盘使他们的全部投资付诸东流。)
- The surfers enjoyed riding the wipeout waves on the beach.(冲浪者们喜欢在海滩上享受拍岸的浪潮。)