- 名词 sins (罪行):Sin is an offence against religious or moral law.
- 名词 sins (罪孽):If you refer to the sins of someone or something, you mean what you consider to be their worst features or qualities.
- 名词 sins (违法行为):If you say that someone has committed a sin, you mean that they have done something that you consider to be morally wrong or offensive.
- 形容词 sinful (有罪的):If you describe an activity or a type of behaviour as sinful, you disapprove of it because it is against moral principles.
- 名词 sins (罪行):An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
- 名词 sins (罪孽):A regrettable or unfortunate thing or action.
- 动词 sin (犯罪):Commit a sin.
- 形容词 sinful (有罪的):Characterized by or manifesting sinful habits and desires.
1. sin vs. crime:
- original sin (原罪):The tendency to evil inherent in all human beings, held to be inherited from Adam in consequence of the Fall.
- venial sin (轻罪):A relatively slight sin that does not entail damnation of the soul.
- mortal sin (严重罪):A sin regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace.
- sinful pleasure (享乐):A pleasure that is regarded as wrong or immoral.
- sinful desire (欲望):A desire that is regarded as morally wrong or offensive.
近义词:transgression, wrongdoing, offense, iniquity
反义词:virtue, righteousness, goodness, piety
1. commit a sin 犯罪
2. atone for one's sins 弥补自己的过错
3. sin of omission 疏忽过失
- He has confessed his sins and asked for forgiveness.
- She saw herself as the product of original sin.
- He had been gambling, and drinking heavily, and sinning with women.
- They do not believe that they are committing a sin.
- It is a sin to kill someone.
- He confessed his sins to the priest.
- He warns her that it is a sin to lie.
- She saw sex as sinful.
- I was fascinated by the sinful city.
- She had a sinful love affair.
- There are sins of omission as well as sins of commission.
- It is a sin to waste food when people are starving.
- She committed the ultimate sin of marrying a man she did not love.
- The sin of pride is said to be the most serious.
- He saw drugs as a necessary evil, a sin he had to commit.
- They were expelled from the congregation for their sins.
- The company has committed the cardinal sin of failing to listen to its customers.
- She saw herself as the innocent victim of other people's sins.
- He was born in sin and shaped in iniquity.
- He never thought about the sins of his father.