中英词典: "outlined"
1. 轮廓清晰的
英文释义:having a clearly defined outline
词汇扩充:clearly outlined, well-outlined
近义词:distinct, clear, well-defined
反义词:blurry, fuzzy, indistinct
柯林斯词典:Clearly outlined means that something has a clear and definite shape or form. (Collins English Dictionary)
牛津词典:Clearly or firmly delineated or described. (Oxford English Dictionary)
1. 提纲,大纲
英文释义:a general description or plan that gives the main features of something
词汇扩充:general outline, basic outline
近义词:summary, synopsis, overview
反义词:detail, specifics, elaboration
柯林斯词典:An outline is a general explanation or description of something. (Collins English Dictionary)
牛津词典:A general description or plan showing the essential features of something but not the detail. (Oxford English Dictionary)
- The outlined figure in the fog gradually became clearer as I got closer.(当我走近时,迷雾中的轮廓逐渐清晰起来。)
- The architect presented an outlined design of the building to the committee.(建筑师向委员会展示了建筑物的大致设计。)
- The outlined plan for the project includes a timeline and a budget.(该项目的大纲计划包括时间表和预算。)
- She outlined the steps to follow in order to complete the task.(她概述了完成任务的步骤。)
- The professor provided a detailed outline of the course syllabus.(教授详细介绍了课程大纲。)
- The outlined proposal was approved by the board of directors.(大致的提案得到了董事会的批准。)
- He quickly outlined his plan before moving on to the next topic.(他在转向下一个话题之前迅速概述了自己的计划。)
- The outlined figure of a person could be seen through the frosted glass.(透过雾面玻璃可以看到一个人的轮廓。)
- The manager provided an outline of the company's goals for the upcoming year.(经理为公司明年的目标提供了一个概述。)
- Her presentation lacked a clear outline of the main points.(她的演讲缺乏对主要观点的清晰概述。)
- The outlined strategy for the marketing campaign was well-received by the team.(市场推广活动的大致策略受到团队的好评。)
- He gave a brief outline of the historical context before discussing the novel.(在讨论这部小说之前,他简要概述了历史背景。)
- The outlined plan for the project includes milestones and deliverables.(该项目的大纲计划包括里程碑和可交付成果。)
- She outlined the main arguments in her research paper.(她在研究论文中概述了主要观点。)
- The outlined figure of a tree could be seen against the sunset sky.(在夕阳下的天空中,可以看到一棵树的轮廓。)
- The professor provided an outline of the topics that would be covered in the course.(教授概述了课程中将涵盖的主题。)
- He outlined the main steps of the experiment before conducting it.(在进行实验之前,他概述了实验的主要步骤。)
- The outlined plan for the event includes a schedule and a list of participants.(该活动的大纲计划包括日程安排和参与者名单。)
- She provided an outline of the plot before starting the novel.(她在开始这本小说之前概述了情节。)
- The outlined figure of a bird could be seen in the distance.(远处可以看到一只鸟的轮廓。)
- The professor asked the students to create an outline for their research papers.(教授要求学生为他们的研究论文制作一个大纲。)