1. yearly
2. annual
1. 年份,年度
2. 一年的时间
3. 年龄
- year:指一年的时间,或者特定的年份。
- age:指一个人或物的年龄。
- anniversary:指纪念某事件或婚姻的年份。
- yearning:渴望,向往
- yearbook:年鉴
- yearly:每年一次的
- yearn:渴望,向往
1. annum
2. twelvemonth
1. day
2. hour
3. minute
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
1. 名词:A year is a period of twelve months or 365 or 366 days, beginning on the first of January and ending on the thirty-first of December.
2. 名词:A year is a particular length of time, usually twelve months, or the point at which a particular period of time begins or ends.
3. 名词:The year is the period of time that it takes the earth to go once around the sun.
4. 名词:You use year after numbers from 3 to 9 and after numbers ending in 2 or 7 to say how old someone is.
5. 名词:A year is the same as a school year or a financial year.
6. 名词:A year is a particular period of time during which an important event or series of events happens or recurs every twelve months.
7. 名词:The year is sometimes used to refer to the period of time that someone has to wait before they can do something or before they know the result of something.
8. 名词:You use year in expressions such as year in, year out to indicate that something happens or is true all the time, or happens or is true on every occasion.
9. 名词:If something is done for a year, year after year, or year in, year out, it is done for a long period of time without a break.
10. 名词:A year is a division of time that is equal to twelve lunar months.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
1. 名词:A period of 365 or 366 days, in the Gregorian calendar, divided into 12 calendar months, now reckoned as beginning Jan. 1 and ending Dec. 31.
2. 名词:A period of time equal to a twelfth part of a century.
3. 名词:The time taken by a complete revolution of the earth around the sun, measured from one vernal equinox to the next, equal to 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds.
4. 名词:A specified period of time, usually shorter than a year, marked by regular activities, e.g. a school year, a financial year, a calendar year.
5. 名词:The age of a person, typically measured from the day and month of birth to the same day and month of the current year.
6. 名词:Used in reference to a specified annual period of time in relation to which a government, organization, or company's financial year is calculated.
7. 名词:A group of students or pupils who are taught together because they have the same level of ability, usually for a year.
8. 名词:Used to express a period of time or a date in relation to the present moment or event.
9. 名词:A set of students or pupils grouped together in a school for classes during the academic year.
10. 名词:The period of time that it takes for a planet to make one complete revolution around the sun.
- "What year were you born in?" "I was born in 1990."
- "I've known her for years."
- "They've been married for over 50 years."
- "The company had a very successful year."
1. I haven't seen him for years.(这么多年我都没见过他。)
2. He studied in London for a year.(他在伦敦学习了一年。)
3. He is 25 years old.(他25岁。)
4. We got married last year.(我们去年结婚。)
5. I'll be away for a few years.(我会离开几年。)
6. The year 2021 is almost over.(2021年快要过去了。)
7. I'll be starting a new job next year.(我明年将开始一份新工作。)
8. I haven't seen her in years.(多年没见她了。)
9. They have been living there for years.(他们已经住在那里多年了。)
10. I changed jobs last year.(我去年换了工作。)
11. He was only 20 years old when he wrote this book.(他写这本书时只有20岁。)
12. I've been waiting for this day for years.(我等了这一天多年。)
13. We've been friends for years.(我们是多年的朋友了。)
14. The year 2022 is just around the corner.(2022年即将到来。)
15. She won the award for Best Actress of the Year.(她获得了年度最佳女演员奖。)
16. We have a lot of plans for the coming year.(我们对即将到来的一年有很多计划。)
17. The year is divided into four seasons.(一年分为四个季节。)
18. The company's profits have been increasing year after year.(公司的利润逐年增加。)
19. He has been working late nights for years.(多年来他一直工作到深夜。)
20. The festival is held every year on the same day.(这个节日每年的同一天举行。)