1. 业绩录(指在工作、学业等方面所取得的成绩)
- Achievement record or performance record in work, study, etc.
例句:他在公司的业绩录中名列前茅。 (He ranks among the top in the company's performance record.)
2. 业绩卢(指在财务方面所取得的成就)
- Financial performance or achievement
例句:这家公司的业绩卢在过去一年里有了显著的提高。 (The company's financial performance has significantly improved in the past year.)
1. 业绩录(指对某人在工作、学业等方面所取得的成绩记录)
- Record of achievements in work, study, etc. for an individual
例句:这份业绩录显示了他在过去五年中的工作表现。 (This performance record shows his work performance over the past five years.)
2. 业绩卢(指公司或组织在财务方面所取得的成就记录)
- Record of financial achievements for a company or organization
例句:这份业绩卢反映了公司过去十年的发展情况。 (This financial performance record reflects the company's development over the past ten years.)
- 业绩(yèjì):achievement, performance
- 录(lù):record, log
- 卢(lú):record, account
- 成绩单(chéngjīdān):transcript, report card
- 绩效(jìxiào):performance, effectiveness
- 记录(jìlù):record, log
- 业绩不佳(yèjì bùjiā):poor performance, underachievement
- 业绩下滑(yèjì xiàhuá):declining performance
- 业绩差(yèjì chà):poor performance
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
业绩录 (形容词)
- 在工作、学业等方面所取得的成绩记录。
业绩卢 (名词)
- 公司或组织在财务方面所取得的成就记录。
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
业绩录 (名词)
- 对某人在工作、学业等方面所取得的成绩记录。
业绩卢 (名词)
- 公司或组织在财务方面所取得的成就记录。
- "业绩录"作为名词时,表示对个人在工作、学业等方面所取得的成绩记录。
- "业绩卢"作为名词时,表示公司或组织在财务方面所取得的成就记录。
1. 他在公司的业绩录中名列前茅。
- He ranks among the top in the company's performance record.
2. 这家公司的业绩卢在过去一年里有了显著的提高。
- The company's financial performance has significantly improved in the past year.
3. 这份业绩录显示了他在过去五年中的工作表现。
- This performance record shows his work performance over the past five years.
4. 这份业绩卢反映了公司过去十年的发展情况。
- This financial performance record reflects the company's development over the past ten years.
5. 她的业绩录证明了她在学术界的突出成就。
- Her performance record proves her outstanding achievements in academia.
6. 公司的业绩卢显示了他们在市场上的竞争力。
- The company's financial performance record demonstrates their competitiveness in the market.
7. 这份业绩录中的数据显示了销售额的增长趋势。
- The data in this performance record indicates a growth trend in sales.
8. 我们需要详细研究这份业绩卢,以了解公司的财务状况。
- We need to study this financial performance record in detail to understand the company's financial condition.
9. 他的业绩录证明了他是一个优秀的团队合作者。
- His performance record proves that he is an excellent team player.
10. 这家餐厅的业绩卢显示了他们的利润大幅增长。
- The restaurant's financial performance record shows a significant increase in their profits.
11. 她的业绩录在公司内部赢得了很高的评价。
- Her performance record has received high praise within the company.
12. 这份业绩卢中的数据表明了公司的可持续发展策略的成功。
- The data in this financial performance record indicates the success of the company's sustainable development strategy.
13. 他的业绩录证明了他在销售方面具有出色的能力。
- His performance record demonstrates his outstanding ability in sales.
14. 这家公司的业绩卢显示了他们在市场份额上的增长。
- The company's financial performance record shows their growth in market share.
15. 这份业绩录中记录了他在过去三年中的项目管理经验。
- This performance record documents his project management experience over the past three years.
16. 这份业绩卢中的数据揭示了公司的财务健康状况。
- The data in this financial performance record reveals the company's financial health.
17. 她的业绩录证明了她是一个非常有能力的领导者。
- Her performance record proves that she is a highly capable leader.
18. 这家公司的业绩卢显示了他们的市场份额正在扩大。
- The company's financial performance record shows that their market share is expanding.
19. 这份业绩录中的数据表明了他们在研发方面的投入和创新能力。
- The data in this performance record indicates their investment and innovation capabilities in research and development.
20. 这份业绩卢中的数字反映了他们在销售额方面的稳定增长。
- The numbers in this financial performance record reflect their steady growth in sales.