yehualu (也写作:ye hua lu) 1. 世俗的;庸俗的 2. 粗俗的;不雅的名词
yehualu (也写作:ye hua lu) 1. 世俗之事;庸俗之道 2. 粗俗之语;下流之言词语辨析
- "世俗的"和"庸俗的"在意义上相似,但"世俗的"更倾向于描述与宗教、信仰无关的传统或习俗,而"庸俗的"则强调缺乏品味或低俗。 - "粗俗的"强调言行不雅或缺乏教养,与"世俗的"和"庸俗的"含义有所区别。词汇扩充
- 词语:庸俗、俗气、低俗、粗鄙、俚俗、庸庸碌碌、粗俗、粗鄙无礼、粗俗下流、无教养 - 动词:滥俗化、庸俗化、粗化、俗化近义词
- 世俗的:凡俗的、平凡的、尘世的 - 庸俗的:俗气的、低俗的、庸庸碌碌的 - 粗俗的:粗鄙的、粗野的、下流的反义词
- 世俗的:超凡的、超俗的、超世的 - 庸俗的:高雅的、雅致的、不俗的 - 粗俗的:文雅的、斯文的、优雅的柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
yehualu [形容词] 1. 世俗的;庸俗的 2. 粗俗的;不雅的 yehualu [名词] 1. 世俗之事;庸俗之道 2. 粗俗之语;下流之言牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
yehualu [形容词] 1. 世俗的;庸俗的 2. 粗俗的;不雅的 yehualu [名词] 1. 世俗之事;庸俗之道 2. 粗俗之语;下流之言用法
1. 形容词用法:指世俗的、庸俗的或粗俗的事物或行为。 - 例句:他的谈话总是充满了yehualu。(His speech is always full of vulgarity.) - 例句:她的举止举止太yehualu了。(Her behavior is too vulgar.) 2. 名词用法:指世俗之事或粗俗之语。 - 例句:我们应该远离yehualu,追求精神生活。(We should stay away from vulgarity and pursue a spiritual life.) - 例句:这部电影中充满了yehualu和低俗的笑点。(This movie is full of vulgarity and cheap humor.)例句
- 她的言谈举止总是充满yehualu。(Her words and actions are always full of vulgarity.)
- 这部电视剧过于yehualu,没有文化内涵。(This TV drama is too vulgar, without cultural connotations.)
- 他的笑话总是有yehualu,令人感到不舒服。(His jokes always have vulgarity, which makes people uncomfortable.)
- 这个节目的内容太yehualu了,我不喜欢。(The content of this show is too vulgar, I don't like it.)
- 不要使用yehualu的语言,要尊重别人。(Don't use vulgar language, respect others.)
- 他的行为举止yehualu,缺乏教养。(His behavior is vulgar and lacks manners.)
- 这个社交活动太yehualu,我不想参加。(This social event is too vulgar, I don't want to attend.)
- 她以她的yehualu方式打扮,引起了很多人的注意。(She dressed in her vulgar way and attracted a lot of attention.)
- 这个节目中的yehualu笑话并不适合所有观众。(The vulgar jokes in this show are not suitable for all viewers.)
- 他的yehualu言论引起了公众的争议。(His vulgar remarks have caused public controversy.)
- 这个小品的yehualu幽默让观众捧腹大笑。(The vulgar humor in this sketch comedy made the audience burst into laughter.)
- 他的yehualu语言使人感到恶心和厌烦。(His vulgar language makes people feel disgusted and annoyed.)
- 我们应该远离yehualu,追求高尚的艺术。(We should stay away from vulgarity and pursue noble art.)
- 这个社区的文化氛围很好,没有yehualu的东西。(The cultural atmosphere of this community is good, without anything vulgar.)
- 这位作家的作品平淡无奇,缺乏yehualu。(This writer's works are mediocre, lacking in vulgarity.)
- 他的yehualu言论引起了公众的愤慨。(His vulgar remarks have caused public outrage.)
- 这个节目过于yehualu,没有艺术价值。(This program is too vulgar, without artistic value.)
- 他的yehualu行为在社交圈中引起了许多争议。(His vulgar behavior has caused a lot of controversy in the social circle.)
- 她以她的yehualu方式打扮,让人感到震惊。(She dressed in her vulgar way, shocking people.)
- 这个小说充满了yehualu描写,毫无文学价值。(This novel is full of vulgar descriptions, without literary value.)