yearning (adj.) 渴望的;热切的
yearning (n.) 渴望;向往
yearning (n.) 思念;思慕
1. yearning vs. longing:
- yearning 强调内心深处强烈的渴望或向往
- longing 指对某人或某物强烈的渴望或希望
2. yearning vs. craving:
- yearning 一般指对不可得到或难以实现的东西的渴望
- craving 指对特定事物或经历的强烈渴望或欲望
- yearn (v.) 渴望;向往
- yearner (n.) 渴望者;向往者
desire, longing, craving, hankering, pining, aspiration, ache
disinterest, indifference, apathy, repulsion
yearning (n.) A yearning for something is a very strong desire for it.
yearning (n.) A feeling of intense longing for something.
1. yearning 作名词时通常用作单数形式。
2. yearning 可以修饰各种感情、欲望或渴望。
- I had a yearning for adventure, so I decided to travel the world. (我渴望冒险,所以决定环游世界。)
- She felt a yearning for her homeland after living abroad for many years. (在国外生活多年后,她对故土产生了思乡之情。)
- His yearning to succeed drove him to work harder than ever before. (他对成功的渴望促使他比以往更加努力工作。)
- The actress's yearning for recognition led her to pursue challenging roles. (女演员对认可的渴望促使她追求具有挑战性的角色。)
- In the quiet moments, she would often feel a yearning for her lost love. (在安静的时刻,她经常会对失去的爱人产生思念之情。)
- He could not resist the yearning to be with his family during the holidays. (在假期期间,他无法抵挡与家人在一起的渴望。)
- The yearning in her eyes told him that she still loved him deeply. (她眼中的渴望告诉他她仍然深爱着他。)
- His yearning for freedom drove him to fight for his rights. (他对自由的渴望促使他为自己的权利而战斗。)
- She had a yearning to explore new cultures and learn about different customs. (她渴望探索新的文化,了解不同的习俗。)
- The yearning in his voice was evident as he talked about his dreams. (当他谈论自己的梦想时,他声音中的渴望是显而易见的。)
- Despite her success, she still felt a yearning for something more meaningful in life. (尽管取得了成功,但她仍然对生活中更有意义的事物有所渴望。)
- He had a yearning to reconnect with his estranged father and mend their relationship. (他渴望重新与疏远的父亲联系,修补他们的关系。)
- As the years went by, the yearning for her childhood home grew stronger. (随着岁月的流逝,她对童年家园的思念越发强烈。)
- The yearning for justice fueled their determination to fight for equal rights. (对正义的渴望激发了他们争取平等权益的决心。)
- He had a yearning for knowledge and spent hours reading books on various subjects. (他渴望知识,花费了数小时阅读各种主题的书籍。)
- His yearning for adventure led him to embark on a solo expedition to the remote mountains. (他对冒险的渴望促使他踏上了一次独自前往偏远山区的探险之旅。)
- She couldn't deny the yearning in her heart to be with him forever. (她无法否认内心对永远与他在一起的渴望。)
- The yearning for success pushed him to overcome obstacles and achieve his goals. (对成功的渴望推动他克服障碍,实现自己的目标。)
- He had a deep yearning to make a difference in the world and help those in need. (他渴望在世界上产生影响,帮助那些需要帮助的人。)
- She couldn't ignore the yearning in her heart to travel and see the world. (她无法忽视内心对旅行和看世界的渴望。)