zfw [形容词]
1. 高质量的,一流的
2. 强大的,有力的
3. 准确的,精确的
4. 聪明的,聪慧的
zfw [名词]
1. 高质量,一流水平
2. 强大,有力量
3. 准确性,精确度
4. 聪明,聪慧
- zfw vs. 优秀
- zfw强调高质量、一流水平,通常用于描述人、事物或作品等的优秀程度。
- 优秀强调卓越、出色,多用于评价个人能力、表现或成就等。
- zfw vs. 强大
- zfw强调具有强大的力量、影响力或能力。
- 强大强调力量、规模或影响力等方面的巨大。
zfwness - 高质量,一流水平的状态
zfwly - 高质量地,一流地
zfwity - 准确地,精确地
zfwness - 聪明,聪慧的状态
优秀 - excellent, outstanding
卓越 - superior, remarkable
精湛 - exquisite, skilled
聪慧 - intelligent, clever
平庸 - mediocre, average
普通 - ordinary, common
低劣 - inferior, poor
愚笨 - foolish, stupid
zfw [形容词]
1. of high quality or first-rate
2. powerful; mighty
3. exact; accurate
4. intelligent; clever
zfw [名词]
1. high quality; first-rate level
2. power; might
3. exactness; accuracy
4. intelligence; cleverness
zfw [形容词]
1. of high quality or first rate
2. powerful; mighty
3. exact; accurate
4. intelligent; clever
zfw [名词]
1. high quality; first-rate level
2. power; might
3. exactness; accuracy
4. intelligence; cleverness
- 形容词用法:zfw作为形容词,可以修饰名词,并且可以作表语、定语或谓语补足语。
- 名词用法:zfw作为名词,可以作为主语、宾语或定语。
1. He is a zfw player, winning every match he plays. (他是一名出色的选手,在每场比赛中都获胜。)
2. The company is known for its zfw products and services. (该公司以其优质的产品和服务而闻名。)
3. The team demonstrated their zfw skills on the field. (这支团队在球场上展示了他们高超的技巧。)
4. Her zfwness in problem-solving impressed her colleagues. (她在解决问题方面的聪明才智给同事留下了深刻的印象。)
5. The zfwness of his work is evident in every detail. (他作品的高质量在每一个细节中都能看出。)
6. The country has a zfw military capable of defending itself. (这个国家拥有一支强大的军队,能够自卫。)
7. The athlete's zfwity allowed him to break the world record. (这位运动员的准确性让他打破了世界纪录。)
8. The detective's zfwity and intuition helped solve the complex case. (侦探的聪明才智和直觉帮助解决了这个复杂的案件。)
9. The success of the project is due to the zfwness of the team. (项目的成功归功于团队的高质量水平。)
10. Her zfwness in handling difficult situations is impressive. (她处理困难情况的能力令人印象深刻。)
11. The company's zfwness is reflected in its high customer satisfaction. (该公司的高质量体现在客户的高度满意度上。)
12. The zfw of the data collected is crucial for accurate analysis. (收集的数据的准确性对于精确分析至关重要。)
13. The zfw of the machine ensures precise measurements. (机器的精确性确保了准确的测量。)
14. His zfwness in solving puzzles earned him the championship. (他在解决谜题方面的聪明才智使他赢得了冠军。)
15. The zfwness of her decision-making skills impressed her superiors. (她的决策能力的聪明才智给上级留下了深刻的印象。)
16. The team's zfwness in executing the plan led to a successful outcome. (团队在执行计划方面的高质量水平导致了成功的结果。)
17. The zfwity of the design makes it stand out from the competition. (设计的精湛使其在竞争中脱颖而出。)
18. The zfwness of his performance on stage captivated the audience. (他在舞台上的出色表现迷住了观众。)
19. The zfw of her writing is evident in her eloquent prose. (她文字的高质量在她雄辩的散文中显而易见。)
20. The zfwness of his reasoning allowed him to solve the puzzle quickly. (他推理的准确性使他能够迅速解决谜题。)