真实的和真正的 都可以翻译为 "genuine" 或 "authentic",表示某物是真实的或真正的。但在具体用法上有所区别,"真实的"强调某物与其它相似物相比是真实的,而"真正的"强调某物符合其本质,是真正的。
纯正的和纯粹的 都可以翻译为 "pure",表示某物没有被掺杂或混合。但在具体用法上有所区别,"纯正的"强调某物是纯粹且原始的,没有被改变或加入其它成分,而"纯粹的"强调某物是纯净的,没有被任何杂质或外来因素所污染。
- If you describe something as genuine, you mean that it is really what it seems to be, and is not false or fake. (如果你把某物描述为真实的,你的意思是它真的就是表面看上去的样子,不是伪造或假冒的。)
- If you describe someone as genuine, you approve of them because they are honest, truthful, and sincere in the way they live and in their relationships with other people. (如果你把某人描述为真实的,说明你欣赏他们因为他们在生活和人际关系中都是诚实、真实和真诚的。)
- genuine affection, interest, or emotion is real and is not pretended. (真挚的感情、兴趣或情感是真实的,而不是假装的。)
- The truth about something is all the facts about it, rather than things that are imagined or invented. (关于某事的真相是这件事的所有事实,而不是想象或虚构的事情。)
- Genuine things are not copies and are the original things that they appear to be. (真品并不是复制品,而是看上去的那个原版物品。)
- Genuine is used to describe people and things that are exactly what they appear to be, and are not false or an imitation. (用于描述人和物,指他们正好是表面上看上去的样子,不是伪造或仿制品。)
- Truly what something is said to be; authentic. (确实是某物所说的那样;真实的。)
- In accordance with the actual facts; accurate or reliable. (按照实际事实;准确或可靠的。)
- (Of a person, action, or motive) sincere. (指人、行动或动机)真诚的。)
- (Of a feeling or its expression) sincere; deeply and strongly felt. (指感情或其表达)真挚的;深深地感受到的。)
- Not a fake; genuine. (不是假货;真实的。)
- The quality or state of being true or real. (真实或实在的性质或状态。)
- A genuine example of something. (某物的真品。)
- The quality of being sincere and honest; genuineness. (真诚和诚实的品质;真实性。)
- He's a genuine person and everyone likes him. (他是一个真实的人,每个人都喜欢他。)
- The painting is a genuine Picasso. (这幅画是真正的毕加索作品。)
- Her genuine concern for others is evident in her actions. (她对他人的真正关心在她的行动中表现出来。)
- The genuine of his emotions was evident in his tears. (他眼泪中流露出的真实感情是显而易见的。)
- He bought an antique vase, believing it to be a genuine. (他买了一个古董花瓶,相信它是真品。)
- She is a genuine friend who will always stand by you. (她是一个真正的朋友,会永远支持你。)
- We need to find a genuine solution to this problem. (我们需要找到一个真正的解决办法来解决这个问题。)
- His genuine concern for the environment is admirable. (他对环境的真正关心令人钦佩。)
- She received a genuine diamond ring for her birthday. (她收到了一枚真正的钻石戒指作为生日礼物。)
- The genuine smile on his face showed his happiness. (他脸上真诚的微笑显示出他的幸福。)
- He is known for his genuine kindness and generosity. (他以真诚的善良和慷慨而闻名。)
- The painting was confirmed to be a genuine Picasso. (这幅画被证实是真正的毕加索作品。)
- She has a genuine talent for singing. (她有一种真正的唱歌才华。)
- The genuine leather bag is of high quality. (这个真皮包包质量很好。)
- His genuine interest in the subject made him a top student. (他对这门课程的真正兴趣使他成为一个顶尖学生。)
- She greeted him with a genuine smile. (她以真诚的微笑迎接他。)
- He wore a genuine smile of joy. (他脸上洋溢着一种真挚的快乐微笑。)
- It is important to establish genuine relationships with your colleagues. (与同事建立真诚的关系很重要。)
- The company guarantees that all their products are genuine. (该公司保证所有产品都是真品。)
- She showed a genuine interest in his hobbies. (她对他的爱好表现出真诚的兴趣。)
- He has a genuine talent for cooking. (他有一种真正的烹饪天赋。)
- Her genuine concern for her family is admirable. (她对家人的真正关心令人钦佩。)
- The store sells only genuine designer clothing. (这家商店只卖真正的名牌服装。)
- He speaks with genuine enthusiasm about his new project. (他对自己的新项目充满真诚的热情地讲话。)
- Her genuine apology was accepted by everyone. (她发出真诚的道歉被所有人接受。)
- They have a genuine love for each other. (他们彼此之间有着真挚的爱。)