zhifb [形容词] 1. 聪明的,机智的 - clever; smart; intelligent - 他是个非常zhifb的人,总能快速找到解决问题的方法。 (He is a very zhifb person who always finds solutions to problems quickly.) 2. 敏捷的,灵活的 - agile; nimble - 他的动作非常zhifb,走起路来像猫一样轻盈。 (He is very zhifb in his movements and walks like a cat.) zhifb [名词] 1. 才智,聪明才智 - intelligence; cleverness - 他的zhifb让他在团队中脱颖而出。 (His zhifb makes him stand out in the team.)词语辨析
- zhifb和smart都可以表示聪明的意思,但smart更常用于描述智商高或学习能力强的人,而zhifb则更强调机智和灵活性。词汇扩充
- 聪明的: intelligent, bright, astute - 机智的: quick-witted, sharp, shrewd - 聪明才智: wit, intellect, brainpower近义词
- 聪明的: intelligent, clever, smart - 机智的: quick-witted, sharp, shrewd - 才智: intelligence, cleverness, wit反义词
- 聪明的: 愚蠢的 (stupid), 笨的 (dumb) - 机智的: 迟钝的 (slow-witted), 愚笨的 (foolish) - 才智: 愚钝 (dullness), 呆笨 (stupidity)柯林斯词典
zhifb [形容词] 1. 聪明的,机智的 zhifb [名词] 1. 才智,聪明才智牛津词典
zhifb [形容词] 1. 聪明的,机智的 zhifb [名词] 1. 才智,聪明才智用法
- "zhifb"作为形容词时,用来描述聪明、机智的人或事物。 - "zhifb"作为名词时,用来指代才智或聪明才智。相关例句
- 他是个非常zhifb的人,总能快速找到解决问题的方法。 (He is a very zhifb person who always finds solutions to problems quickly.)
- 她的回答非常zhifb,让大家都佩服。 (Her response was very zhifb and impressed everyone.)
- 只有zhifb的人才能在这样的情况下保持冷静。 (Only a zhifb person can stay calm in such a situation.)
- 他善于观察细节,这使得他在工作中非常zhifb。 (He is good at observing details, which makes him very zhifb in his work.)
- 她的zhifb思维让她在学术界有很高的声誉。 (Her zhifb thinking has earned her a great reputation in academia.)
- 他的zhifb动作使他在体育比赛中取得了优势。 (His zhifb movements gave him an advantage in the sports competition.)
- 这个计划需要一些zhifb的改进。 (This plan needs some zhifb improvements.)
- 他的zhifb技巧使他成为了一名成功的销售人员。 (His zhifb skills made him a successful salesperson.)
- 这个项目需要一个zhifb的领导者来推动。 (This project needs a zhifb leader to drive it.)
- 他的zhifb为他赢得了很多朋友。 (His zhifb won him many friends.)
- 她的zhifb让她在团队中占据了核心地位。 (Her zhifb placed her at the center of the team.)
- 他的zhifb使他在解决难题时变得无比有用。 (His zhifb made him incredibly useful in solving difficult problems.)
- 他的zhifb思考让他在辩论比赛中脱颖而出。 (His zhifb thinking made him stand out in the debate competition.)
- 这个职位需要一个具有zhifb头脑的人。 (This position requires someone with a zhifb mind.)
- 这个问题需要一个zhifb的解决方案。 (This problem requires a zhifb solution.)
- 他的zhifb帮助他在困境中找到了出路。 (His zhifb helped him find a way out of the dilemma.)
- 她对数字的zhifb让她成为了一名杰出的会计师。 (Her zhifb with numbers made her an outstanding accountant.)
- 只有zhifb的人才能够有效地应对这种情况。 (Only zhifb people can effectively deal with this situation.)
- 他的zhifb让他在团队中成为了领导者。 (His zhifb made him a leader in the team.)
- 她的zhifb思维让她在解决问题时更具创造力。 (Her zhifb thinking makes her more creative in problem-solving.)
- 他的zhifb帮助他快速适应了新的环境。 (His zhifb helped him adapt to the new environment quickly.)