zero /ˈzɪərəʊ/ (adj.) 1. 零的;无的 2. 极小的;微不足道的名词
zero /ˈzɪərəʊ/ (n.) 1. 零;零度 2. 零点;零位 3. 零分;零分数 4. (常用于复数形式)无能;一无所有 5. 零(指飞机在空中受到的攻击未命中)形容词和名词的不同含义
zero和nil的区别: 这两个词都可以表示"零"的意思,但在使用上有所不同。zero更常用于计数或计量中,表示精确的零;而nil通常用于比赛、比分等情境中,表示没有得分或结果为零。词汇扩充
其他与zero相关的词汇: 1. zero-sum game 零和博弈 2. zero gravity 零重力 3. zero tolerance 零容忍 4. zero hour 零时(特指某项活动或事件开始的时间)近义词
1. nothing 2. nil 3. naught 4. nought反义词
1. non-zero 2. nonzero柯林斯词典
zero (noun) 1. Zero is the number 0. 2. If a measurement or calculation is zero, the result is that figure. 3. Zero is the temperature at which water freezes. It is sometimes considered to be the temperature at which water turns to ice. 4. Zero is used to refer to the time when a particular event or process begins. 5. Zero is used to indicate that something does not exist or has not happened. 6. Zero is used to indicate that a particular thing is not important or has no value. 7. Zero is used to refer to a situation in which there is no increase or improvement in something. 8. Zero is used to indicate that someone has no knowledge or understanding of something at all. 9. Zero is used to indicate that something is completely lacking in a particular quality or feature. 10. Zero is used to indicate that there is no possibility of something happening or being true. 11. Zero is used to indicate that a particular action or quality does not exist, or that someone does not possess it. 12. Zero is used to indicate that something has been reduced to nothing. 13. Zero is used to indicate that a particular thing is very weak or small in amount. 14. Zero is used to indicate that a particular thing is completely empty. 15. Zero is used to indicate that a particular thing is of no importance or value.牛津词典
zero (noun) 1. The number 0. 2. A thing of no importance or worth; a nobody. 3. The lowest point or degree of a scale, especially the temperature regarded as the lowest possible. 4. A person or thing of no importance or significance, especially a person of low intelligence. 5. A state of total absence or complete nothingness. 6. The absence of a measurable quantity. 7. The point on a scale from which positive or negative quantities can be measured. 8. A value of a variable in a function, for which the function becomes zero. 9. A particular atmosphere or quality that exists in a place or situation. 10. A person with no skills or abilities. 11. A score of zero in a game or sport. 12. A fault or difficulty. 13. A state of complete collapse or failure. 14. The total absence of anything.用法
1. The temperature dropped to zero degrees last night. (昨晚气温降到零度。) 2. His chances of winning are zero. (他获胜的机会几乎为零。)作为名词的用法
1. The thermometer showed zero. (温度计显示零度。) 2. She scored a zero on the test. (她在考试中得了零分。)相关例句
- The temperature dropped to zero degrees last night. (昨晚气温降到零度。)
- His chances of winning are zero. (他获胜的机会几乎为零。)
- The team was trailing by two goals, but managed to score zero in the second half. (这支队伍在落后两个进球,但在下半场没能进球。)
- After the financial crisis, their net worth was reduced to zeros. (经过金融危机,他们的净资产一文不值了。)
- His knowledge of the subject is zero. (他对这个课题一窍不通。)
- The thermometer showed zero. (温度计显示零度。)
- She scored a zero on the test. (她在考试中得了零分。)
- His chances of winning are close to zero. (他获胜的机会几乎为零。)
- The team was trailing by two goals, but managed to score zero in the second half. (这支队伍在落后两个进球,但在下半场没能进球。)
- After the financial crisis, their net worth was reduced to zeros. (经过金融危机,他们的净资产一文不值了。)
- His knowledge of the subject is zero. (他对这个课题一窍不通。)
- I have zero interest in watching that movie. (我对看那部电影完全不感兴趣。)
- The company's revenue growth was close to zero last year. (公司的收入增长几乎为零。)
- Her chances of getting the job are practically zero. (她得到这份工作的机会几乎为零。)
- He has zero experience in managing a team. (他在团队管理方面没有任何经验。)
- The room was completely empty, not a single item was left; it was zero. (房间完全空无一物,连一个物品都没有;一片荒凉。)
- There is zero tolerance for cheating in this school. (这所学校对作弊零容忍。)
- The company's profits for the year were reduced to zero. (该公司当年的利润被降至零。)
- After the accident, her confidence was reduced to zero. (事故发生后,她的信心消失得一干二净。)
- He was a zero in sports; he couldn't catch a ball to save his life. (他在体育方面一窍不通,就连接个球都难如登天。)
- Their relationship hit zero when she found out he had been lying to her. (当她发现他一直对她撒谎时,他们的关系彻底完了。)
- The project was a complete failure; it achieved zero. (这个项目完全失败了,一无所获。)
- The company's reputation was reduced to zero after the scandal. (丑闻曝光后,公司的声誉彻底毁了。)
- He was considered a zero in the fashion industry; nobody took him seriously. (在时尚界,他被看作是一个无足轻重的人,没有人认真对待他。)
- The team was trailing by six goals, and their chances of winning were practically zero. (这支队伍落后六个进球,他们获胜的机会几乎为零。)
- Her confidence level was at zero after the public speaking disaster. (公开演讲出现灾难后,她的自信完全丧失了。)