1. zerg- 中文翻译:虫族(星际争霸游戏中的一个种族)
- 英文释义:A race in the game Starcraft characterized by its swarming tactics and large numbers of low-cost units.
1. zerg- 中文翻译:虫族的
- 英文释义:Relating to or characteristic of the Zerg race in Starcraft.
1. zerg rush- 中文翻译:虫群突袭
- 英文释义:A strategy in the game Starcraft where a player quickly masses a large number of low-cost units to overwhelm their opponent.
1. zerging- 中文翻译:虫族策略
- 英文释义:The act of using Zerg tactics, such as swarming and overwhelming opponents with a large number of units.
1. swarm- 中文翻译:蜂群
- 英文释义:A large number of insects or other small organisms moving together in a coordinated manner.
1. individual- 中文翻译:个体
- 英文释义:A single person or thing considered separately rather than as part of a group.
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- He used a zerg rush to overwhelm his opponent's defenses. (他使用虫群突袭来击溃对手的防御。)
- The player employed zerging tactics to quickly defeat the enemy. (玩家采用了虫族策略,迅速击败了敌人。)
- The zerg army quickly swarmed the enemy base. (虫族大军迅速涌入敌军基地。)
- She prefers playing as the zerg in Starcraft. (她更喜欢在星际争霸中扮演虫族。)
- The zerg units are known for their speed and numbers. (虫族单位以速度和数量著称。)
- His zerg rush caught his opponent off guard. (他的虫群突袭让对手措手不及。)
- The zerging strategy proved to be effective in overwhelming the enemy. (虫族策略证明在压倒敌人方面非常有效。)
- They used a coordinated zerg rush to defeat their opponents. (他们用协调的虫群突袭击败了对手。)
- The zerg forces quickly overran the enemy defenses. (虫族力量迅速攻破了敌人的防线。)
- Playing as the zerg requires a different playstyle. (扮演虫族需要不同的游戏风格。)
- The zerg units are weak individually but strong in numbers. (虫族单位个体较弱,但数量众多。)
- He prefers playing the zerg race because of their unique abilities. (他喜欢扮演虫族种族,因为他们拥有独特的能力。)
- They successfully executed a zerg rush to quickly win the game. (他们成功地实施了虫群突袭,迅速赢得了比赛。)
- The zerging strategy requires a fast and aggressive playstyle. (虫族策略需要快速和进攻性的游戏风格。)
- He used his zerg units to surround and attack the enemy base. (他用他的虫族单位包围并攻击敌军基地。)
- The zerg forces quickly overwhelmed the enemy's defenses. (虫族力量迅速压倒了敌人的防御。)
- They employed a zerging tactic to distract and confuse their opponents. (他们采用虫族策略来分散和困惑对手。)
- She is known for her aggressive zerg rush strategies. (她以积极的虫群突袭策略而闻名。)
- The zerg units quickly spread across the map, capturing enemy bases. (虫族单位迅速在地图上蔓延,占领敌军基地。)
- He used a combination of zerg units to create a powerful army. (他用虫族单位的组合创建了一支强大的军队。)