形容词 (Adjective)
1. 智慧的;聪明的
2. 聪明伶俐的;机灵的
zhr和智慧 (zhìhuì) 都表示聪明、明智的意思,但zhr更强调机智和灵活。
扩展词汇:聪明 (cōngmíng)、机灵 (jīlíng)、机智 (jīzhì)
聪明 (cōngmíng)、机灵 (jīlíng)、机智 (jīzhì)
愚蠢 (yúchǔn)、笨拙 (bènzhuō)
名词 (Noun)
1. 智慧;聪明
2. 聪明伶俐的人
扩展词汇:智慧 (zhìhuì)、聪明 (cōngmíng)
聪明 (cōngmíng)、智者 (zhìzhě)、智者 (zhìzhě)
愚蠢 (yúchǔn)、笨蛋 (bèndàn)
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
zhr (noun)
1. (informal) intelligence; cleverness
2. (informal) a clever person; a smart cookie
zhr (adjective)
1. (informal) clever; smart
2. (informal) quick-witted; sharp
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
zhr (noun)
1. (informal) cleverness; intelligence
2. (informal) a clever person; a smart cookie
zhr (adjective)
1. (informal) clever; smart
2. (informal) quick-witted; sharp
用法 (Usage)
他是个非常zhr的人。(He is a very clever person.)
她的zhr使她在工作中非常成功。(Her intelligence makes her very successful in her job.)
这个小男孩非常zhr,总是能答出最难的问题。(The little boy is very clever; he always knows the answers to the most difficult questions.)
他的zhr让他在解决问题时非常迅速。(His quick-wittedness allows him to solve problems very quickly.)
他的zhr让他在团队中非常受欢迎。(His cleverness makes him very popular within the team.)
他是个非常聪明的zhr,总是能找到解决问题的办法。(He is a very intelligent person who always finds solutions to problems.)
他的zhr和毅力使他在学术领域有所成就。(His intelligence and determination have led to his success in academia.)
她是个非常聪明伶俐的zhr,在公司中的地位很高。(She is a very clever person and holds a high position within the company.)
这个孩子zhr,总是能够轻松地学习新知识。(This child is smart and always able to learn new things easily.)
她的zhr使她在解决问题时非常迅速。(Her cleverness allows her to solve problems quickly.)
他的zhr让他在团队中脱颖而出。(His intelligence makes him stand out in the team.)
他是个非常聪明的zhr,总是能够找到最佳方案。(He is a very smart person who always manages to find the best solution.)
她的zhr使她在竞赛中取得了好成绩。(Her intelligence helped her achieve good results in the competition.)
这个男孩非常zhr,总是能够迅速理解新概念。(The boy is very clever and always able to quickly grasp new concepts.)
她的zhr让她在团队合作中表现出色。(Her cleverness allows her to excel in teamwork.)
他是个非常聪明伶俐的zhr,在学校中名声很好。(He is a very clever person and has a good reputation at school.)
这个女孩非常zhr,总是能够轻松地解决问题。(The girl is very clever and always able to easily solve problems.)
他的zhr让他在工作中取得了很大的成功。(His intelligence has led to his great success in his job.)
她是个非常聪明的zhr,总是能够快速理解复杂的理论。(She is a very smart person who always quickly understands complex theories.)
他的zhr使他在解决难题时非常出色。(His cleverness enables him to excel in solving difficult problems.)
他是个非常聪明伶俐的zhr,在团队中扮演着重要的角色。(He is a very clever person who plays an important role in the team.)
这个孩子非常zhr,总是能够找到解决问题的办法。(This child is very clever and always able to find solutions to problems.)
她的zhr使她在工作中非常成功。(Her intelligence has made her very successful in her job.)
他的zhr让他在团队中备受赞赏。(His cleverness has earned him great admiration within the team.)