1. 形容词
1.1 ztg (中文缩写):中央通告 (中央政府发布的公告或通知)1.2 ztg (英文缩写):Zero Trust Gateway (a network security model)
2. 名词
2.1 ztg (中文缩写):中央通告 (中央政府发布的公告或通知)2.2 ztg (英文缩写):Zero Trust Gateway (一种网络安全模型)
3. 词语辨析
3.1 ztg 和中央文件的区别:ztg 是中央通告的缩写,通常是指中央政府发布的公告或通知,其权威性较强,具有明确的政策意图和执行力。
4. 词汇扩充
ztg 作为缩写,除了上述解释外,还可能表示其他含义,具体根据语境而定。5. 近义词
5.1 中央通告的近义词:中央公告、中央通知、中央指示5.2 Zero Trust Gateway 的近义词:无信任网关
6. 反义词
6.1 中央通告的反义词:地方通告、地方文件6.2 Zero Trust Gateway 的反义词:N/A
7. 柯林斯词典
7.1 ztg (中文缩写):中央通告7.2 ztg (英文缩写):Zero Trust Gateway
8. 牛津词典
8.1 ztg (中文缩写):中央通告8.2 ztg (英文缩写):Zero Trust Gateway
9. 用法
9.1 用作名词:- The government issued a ztg to announce the new policy. (政府发布了一份中央通告来宣布新政策。) - The company implemented a Zero Trust Gateway to enhance network security. (该公司采用了Zero Trust Gateway来增强网络安全。) 9.2 用作形容词:
- The ztg document was distributed to all departments. (中央通告文件被分发给所有部门。) - The ztg model provides a more secure network architecture. (Zero Trust Gateway模型提供了更安全的网络架构。)
- The ztg issued by the government clarified the new tax regulations. (政府发布的中央通告澄清了新的税收法规。)
- The company's ztg emphasized the importance of data privacy protection. (公司的中央通告强调了数据隐私保护的重要性。)
- According to the ztg, all employees are required to attend the training session. (根据中央通告,所有员工都需要参加培训会议。)
- The Zero Trust Gateway provides an additional layer of security for network access. (Zero Trust Gateway为网络访问提供了额外的安全层。)
- Implementing a ztg strategy can help mitigate cybersecurity risks. (实施中央通告策略有助于减轻网络安全风险。)
- The IT department deployed a Zero Trust Gateway to control external access to the company's network. (IT部门部署了一个Zero Trust Gateway来控制对公司网络的外部访问。)
- The ztg from the central government outlined the new environmental protection policies. (中央政府的中央通告概述了新的环境保护政策。)
- Employees should carefully read the ztg and comply with the instructions. (员工应仔细阅读中央通告并遵守指示。)
- The company's adoption of a Zero Trust Gateway improved the overall network security posture. (公司采用Zero Trust Gateway提高了整体网络安全水平。)
- The ztg document was translated into multiple languages for better understanding. (中央通告文件被翻译成多种语言以便更好理解。)
- The Zero Trust Gateway model enhances security by constantly verifying user identity. (Zero Trust Gateway模型通过不断验证用户身份来增强安全性。)
- Employees were required to acknowledge receipt of the ztg by signing a confirmation form. (员工需要签署确认表来确认收到中央通告。)
- The company's IT team implemented a Zero Trust Gateway solution to protect against external threats. (公司的IT团队实施了一个Zero Trust Gateway解决方案以防范外部威胁。)
- The ztg provided guidelines on how to handle confidential information. (中央通告提供了处理机密信息的指南。)
- The Zero Trust Gateway architecture helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. (Zero Trust Gateway架构有助于防止对敏感数据的未经授权访问。)
- The ztg emphasized the importance of compliance with safety regulations. (中央通告强调了遵守安全规定的重要性。)
- The company's network was secured by implementing a Zero Trust Gateway model. (该公司通过实施Zero Trust Gateway模型来保护其网络安全。)
- The ztg outlined the steps for implementing the new policy across all departments. (中央通告概述了在所有部门实施新政策的步骤。)
- By implementing a Zero Trust Gateway, the organization strengthened its cybersecurity defenses. (通过实施Zero Trust Gateway,该组织加强了其网络安全防御。)
- The ztg was circulated among all employees to ensure awareness of the updated regulations. (中央通告在所有员工中传阅以确保他们了解更新的规定。)