名词 (Noun)
- zuk [名词](波兰语):(波兰传统的)农舍,农家
- zuk [名词](匈牙利语):(匈牙利传统的)农舍,农家
形容词 (Adjective)
- zuk [形容词](波兰语):农舍的,农家的
- zuk [形容词](匈牙利语):农舍的,农家的
- zukowate [名词](波兰语):农舍的主人,农家的居民
- zukowate [名词](匈牙利语):农舍的主人,农家的居民
- zagroda [名词](波兰语):农舍,农家
- tanya [名词](匈牙利语):农舍,农家
近义词 (Synonyms)
- chata [名词]:农舍,农家
- chałupa [名词]:农舍,农家
- dom wiejski [名词]:乡村住宅
- ház [名词]:房屋
- lak [动词]:居住
- lakóház [名词]:住宅
反义词 (Antonyms)
- mieszkanie [名词]:公寓
- blok mieszkalny [名词]:公寓楼
- dom wolnostojący [名词]:独立房屋
- lakatlan [形容词]:无人居住的
- lakótelepülés [名词]:住宅区
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
- 我们在乡村的zuk度过了一个美好的假期。(We had a wonderful vacation in a zuk in the countryside.)
- 这个zuk已经有百年历史了。(This zuk has a history of a hundred years.)
- 她住在一个美丽的匈牙利zuk里。(She lives in a beautiful Hungarian zuk.)
- 我想在未来买一座zuk,过上宁静的农村生活。(I want to buy a zuk in the future and live a peaceful rural life.)
- 这个zuk是一个农民家庭的住所。(The zuk serves as a residence for a farming family.)
- 他们在乡村建了一座新zuk,远离城市的喧嚣。(They built a new zuk in the countryside, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.)
- 这个zuk保留了许多传统的农村风格。(The zuk retains many traditional rural features.)
- 我喜欢在zuk周围的田野里散步。(I enjoy taking walks in the fields around the zuk.)
- 他们一家人经营着这个zuk,种植蔬菜和养殖动物。(They run the zuk as a family, growing vegetables and raising animals.)
- 这座zuk的屋顶是用稻草覆盖的。(The roof of this zuk is covered with straw.)
- zuk的外墙是用木头建造的。(The exterior walls of the zuk are made of wood.)
- 这个zuk位于山脚下,风景优美。(The zuk is located at the foot of the mountain, with beautiful scenery.)
- 他们在乡村建了一座新的zuk,作为度假屋使用。(They built a new zuk in the countryside as a vacation home.)
- 这个zuk被绿树和花草环绕着。(The zuk is surrounded by green trees and flowers.)
- 她从城市搬到了一个小zuk,过上了简朴的生活。(She moved from the city to a small zuk and started a simple life.)
- 这个zuk的传统装饰非常漂亮。(The traditional decorations of this zuk are very beautiful.)
- 他们的zuk里有一间宽敞的客厅和两个卧室。(Their zuk has a spacious living room and two bedrooms.)
- 这个zuk的主人非常友好,给了我们很多建议。(The owner of this zuk is very friendly and gave us a lot of advice.)
- 我们在zuk里度过了一个宁静而放松的周末。(We spent a peaceful and relaxing weekend in the zuk.)
- 这个zuk的周围是一片绿色的田野和森林。(The zuk is surrounded by green fields and forests.)
- 我喜欢在zuk里点燃壁炉,温暖而舒适。(I enjoy lighting the fireplace in the zuk, it's warm and cozy.)