Zumba和Zumba Fitness是同一种健身操的不同称呼,均指一种结合了拉丁舞、国际舞曲和有氧运动的健身操。
Zumba Gold - 针对年长者或健身初学者的Zumba舞蹈课程
Zumba Toning - 结合了舞蹈和力量训练元素的Zumba课程
Zumba Sentao - 使用椅子作为辅助工具进行的Zumba舞蹈课程
拉丁有氧操 (Latin aerobic dance)
拉丁舞蹈健身操 (Latin dance fitness)
静态健身操 (Static fitness workout)
Zumba is a type of fitness program that combines Latin dance, international music, and aerobic movements.
Zumba is a brand name for a fitness program that combines Latin dance, international music, and aerobic movements.
1. I love attending Zumba classes at my local gym.
2. She became a certified Zumba instructor after completing the training course.
3. Zumba is a fun and energetic way to get fit.
4. The Zumba class starts at 6 PM every Monday and Wednesday.
5. Many people find Zumba to be an effective cardio workout.
1. I can't wait to try out the new Zumba class at the community center. (我迫不及待地想去尝试社区中心的新Zumba课程。)
2. Zumba is a great way to burn calories while having fun dancing. (Zumba是一种既有趣又能燃烧卡路里的跳舞方式。)
3. She attends Zumba classes three times a week to stay in shape. (她每周参加三次Zumba课来保持身材。)
4. The Zumba instructor taught us some new dance moves today. (今天Zumba教练教了我们一些新的舞步。)
5. Zumba has gained popularity worldwide as a fun and effective workout. (作为一种有趣而有效的锻炼方式,Zumba在全球范围内变得越来越受欢迎。)
6. My friend recommended Zumba as a way to improve my cardiovascular fitness. (我的朋友推荐我通过Zumba来改善心血管健康。)
7. The Zumba class was full of energy and enthusiasm. (Zumba课堂充满了活力和热情。)
8. Zumba is suitable for people of all fitness levels. (Zumba适合所有健身水平的人。)
9. I bought a Zumba DVD to practice at home. (我买了一张Zumba的DVD在家练习。)
10. The Zumba instructor encouraged us to let loose and enjoy the music. (Zumba教练鼓励我们放松身心,享受音乐。)
11. The Zumba class incorporates various dance styles, including salsa and merengue. (Zumba课程融合了各种舞蹈风格,包括萨尔萨和梅伦格。)
12. Zumba is a popular choice for those who want to add some fun to their workout routine. (Zumba是那些想在锻炼中增加一些乐趣的人的热门选择。)
13. The Zumba instructor demonstrated the dance moves before we tried them ourselves. (Zumba教练在我们尝试之前先给我们演示了舞步。)
14. Zumba classes are a great way to meet new people who share a passion for dance. (Zumba课程是结识热爱舞蹈的新朋友的绝佳方式。)
15. I've been doing Zumba for a month now, and I can already feel my stamina improving. (我现在已经做了一个月的Zumba,我已经能感觉到我的耐力在提高了。)
16. The Zumba instructor encouraged us to modify the moves to suit our own fitness level. (Zumba教练鼓励我们根据自己的健身水平调整动作。)
17. Zumba is a high-energy workout that can help you burn calories and tone your muscles. (Zumba是一种高强度的锻炼,可以帮助你燃烧卡路里和塑造肌肉。)
18. The Zumba class was a mix of people of all ages and fitness levels. (Zumba课堂上有各个年龄和健身水平的人。)
19. Zumba is a great way to relieve stress and improve mood through dance and music. (通过舞蹈和音乐,Zumba是缓解压力和改善心情的好方法。)
20. After attending Zumba classes regularly, she noticed an improvement in her coordination and flexibility. (经常参加Zumba课程后,她注意到自己的协调能力和灵活性有所提高。)