自拍照(自拍的照片) - selfie photo 自拍杆(用于拍摄自拍的延长杆) - selfie stick 自拍风潮(自拍在社交媒体上的流行) - selfie craze近义词:
自拍 - self-portrait反义词:
他拍(由他人拍摄的照片) - he-paizi词性:名词
选票(投票时使用的纸张) - ballot 选举(通过投票选出某人或某事物) - election 无效票(投票无效的选票) - invalid ballot词语辨析:
无效票 - invalid ballot 弃权票 - abstention ballot柯林斯词典:
【形容词】自拍(的):自拍照片的;自拍视频的 【名词】零票:在选举中的无效票牛津词典:
【形容词】自拍(的):指与自拍有关的,特指自拍照片或自拍视频的 【名词】零票:在选举中的无效票用法
1. 她经常在社交媒体上发布zp照片。She often posts zp photos on social media. 2. 我们用手机拍了一张zp视频。
We took a zp video with our phones.
1. 这次选举中,无效票数量比往年的zp票多。There were more zero ballots in this election than in previous years. 2. 选民们应该避免投zp。
Voters should avoid casting zero ballots.
1. 我们一起来个大zp,纪念我们的旅行吧!Let's take a big selfie together to commemorate our trip! 2. 她的手机里充满了zp照片。
Her phone is filled with selfie photos. 3. 我们在山顶拍了一张美丽的zp。
We took a beautiful selfie at the top of the mountain. 4. 这张zp太模糊了,我们再拍一张吧。
This selfie is too blurry, let's take another one. 5. 这次选举中,有很多zp票被作废。
There were many zero ballots that were invalidated in this election. 6. 他在选票上画了一个笑脸,使它成为zp。
He drew a smiley face on the ballot, making it a zero ballot. 7. 选民应该认真填写选票,避免zp的发生。
Voters should carefully fill out the ballot to avoid a zero ballot. 8. 这次选举中,无效票数超过zp票数。
The number of invalid ballots exceeded the number of zero ballots in this election. 9. 他们的选票被计为zp,因为他们没有填写候选人的编号。
Their ballots were counted as zero ballots because they did not fill in the candidate's number. 10. 在这次选举中,有很多zp票导致了选举结果的不确定性。
There were many zero ballots in this election, leading to uncertainty in the election results. 11. 这张选票是zp,因为选民没有正确地填写候选人的名字。
This ballot is a zero ballot because the voter did not correctly fill in the candidate's name. 12. 她投了zp,因为她对所有候选人都不满意。
She cast a zero ballot because she was not satisfied with any of the candidates. 13. 这张选票被认定为zp,因为选民没有在指定的方框内打勾。
This ballot was identified as a zero ballot because the voter did not check the designated box. 14. 在这次选举中,有很多zp票被视为无效。
In this election, many zero ballots were deemed invalid. 15. 选民应该仔细填写选票,以免弄错或弄成zp。
Voters should carefully fill out the ballot to avoid mistakes or creating zero ballots. 16. 这次选举中,有许多zp票被投出,影响了候选人的胜负。
Many zero ballots were cast in this election, affecting the outcome for the candidates. 17. 选民应该确保他们的选票不会成为zp。
Voters should ensure that their ballots do not become zero ballots. 18. 这次选举中,许多选民故意投了zp,以表达他们对候选人的不满。
In this election, many voters intentionally cast zero ballots to express their dissatisfaction with the candidates. 19. 只有正确填写选票,才能避免zp的产生。
Only by correctly filling out the ballot can we avoid zero ballots. 20. 这次选举中,有很多zp票导致了选举结果的不确定性。
There were many zero ballots in this election, leading to uncertainty in the election results.