1. 原则;原理
2. 道德准则;行为规范
3. 信条;信念
4. 根据;理由
5. 基本真理;基本原则
6. 学科原理
7. (某一学派的)原则;(某一理论的)基本原则
8. 原理性证据
9. 法律规则;法规
10. 基本规则;基本法则
1. 原则性的;基本的
2. 忠诚的;正直的
3. 道义上的;道德上的
principles 和 ethics
1. principal:主要的;首要的
2. principal:校长
3. principle of equality:平等原则
4. principle of fairness:公平原则
5. principle of justice:正义原则
6. principle of freedom:自由原则
doctrine, belief, creed, philosophy
disregard, violation, dishonesty
principles (名词)
1. A principle is a general belief that you have about the way you should behave, which influences your behavior. (原则;信条)
2. Principles are general scientific laws or statements that people believe are true and that explain how something happens or works. (原理;原则性证据)
3. The principles of an idea or theory are the basic rules or laws that it is founded on. (基本原则;基本法则)
principles (名词)
1. A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. (原则;原理)
2. A moral rule or belief that helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your actions. (道德准则;行为规范)
3. A general scientific theorem or law that has numerous special applications across a wide field. (基本原理;基本规律)
1. Stick to your principles and don't compromise.
2. The company operates on the principle of putting customers first.
3. She refused to violate her principles.
4. The research is based on the principles of quantum mechanics.
- He always adheres to the principles of honesty and integrity. (他始终坚持诚实和正直的原则。)
- These are the principles we should uphold. (这些是我们应该坚守的原则。)
- She has strong moral principles. (她有很强的道德准则。)
- He explained the principle of the experiment to the students. (他向学生们解释了实验的原理。)
- The principles of physics apply to this situation. (物理学的原理适用于这种情况。)
- He violated the principle of confidentiality. (他违反了保密原则。)
- She is a person of principle. (她是一个有原则的人。)
- According to the principles of aerodynamics, the plane should be able to take off. (根据空气动力学的原理,这架飞机应该能够起飞。)
- He acted in accordance with his principles. (他按照自己的原则行事。)
- The company's success is built on a strong set of principles. (公司的成功是建立在一套强大的原则基础上的。)
- I can't compromise my principles just to please others. (为了取悦他人,我不能违背自己的原则。)
- She has a deep understanding of the principles of mathematics. (她对数学原理有很深的理解。)
- He made a decision based on ethical principles. (他基于道德原则做出了决定。)
- The principles of this theory are widely accepted in the scientific community. (这个理论的原理在科学界广泛被接受。)
- He argued that the proposed law violated the principle of freedom. (他认为提出的法律违反了自由原则。)
- She is known for her strong moral principles. (她以她坚定的道德准则而闻名。)
- We need to establish a set of guiding principles. (我们需要建立一套指导原则。)
- He is a man of principle who always does what he believes is right. (他是一个有原则的人,总是做他认为正确的事情。)
- The principles of democracy should be upheld. (应该坚持民主的原则。)
- She acted in accordance with her personal principles. (她按照自己的个人原则行事。)
- He violated the principle of fairness by favoring his own interests. (他偏袒自己的利益,违反了公平原则。)