1. fighter [adjective]Meaning: 强壮的,好战的
Example: He has a fighter spirit. 他有一种战斗精神。
1. fighter [noun]Meaning: 战士,斗士
Example: The boxer is known as a fierce fighter. 这个拳击手以凶猛的战斗力闻名。 2. fighter [noun]
Meaning: 飞行员
Example: She trained as a fighter pilot. 她接受了战斗机飞行员的培训。 3. fighter [noun]
Meaning: 斗志昂扬的人,斗争者
Example: She is a fighter for women's rights. 她是妇女权益的斗士。
1. fighter vs. warrior- fighter: 强调战斗技能和斗志,常指专业的战士,如拳击手、军人等。
- warrior: 强调勇猛和勇敢,常指古代的战士或部落战士。 2. fighter vs. combatant
- fighter: 泛指参与战斗的人,可以指战士、斗士、武装分子等。
- combatant: 泛指参与战斗的人,可指军事行动中的士兵、军人等。
1. freedom fighterMeaning: 自由斗士,争取民族独立或自由的战士
Example: Nelson Mandela was a renowned freedom fighter. 纳尔逊·曼德拉是一位著名的自由斗士。 2. street fighter
Meaning: 街头斗士,指擅长打架或参与非法斗殴的人
Example: He was known as a street fighter in his youth. 他年轻时以街头斗士而闻名。
1. combatant: 战士,斗士2. warrior: 勇士,武士
3. soldier: 士兵,军人
4. gladiator: 角斗士,格斗家
1. pacifist: 和平主义者2. coward: 胆小鬼,懦夫
fighter [noun]1. A fighter is a person who fights, especially in a war. (战士)
2. A fighter is a plane or pilot designed for air combat. (战斗机)
3. A fighter is a person who fights for a particular cause or principle. (斗士;战士)
fighter [noun]1. A person who fights, especially a soldier or a boxer. (战士;拳击手)
2. A fast military aircraft designed for attacking other aircraft. (战斗机)
3. A person who fights or struggles determinedly for a cause. (斗士;战士)
- The fighter defended his title successfully. (战士)- The pilot flew the fighter aircraft. (战斗机)
- She is a fierce fighter for social justice. (斗士)