中英词典:bit error rate
形容词:bit error rate
1. 含义:指数据传输或通信中发生的比特错误的频率。
2. 例句:
- The system has a low bit error rate, ensuring reliable data transmission. (该系统具有低比特错误率,确保了可靠的数据传输。)
- High-quality cables can help reduce the bit error rate. (高质量的电缆可以帮助降低比特错误率。)
名词:bit error rate
1. 含义:指在数据传输或通信中,单位时间内出现的比特错误数量。
2. 例句:
- The bit error rate of the network connection was too high, causing frequent data corruption. (网络连接的比特错误率太高,导致数据频繁出错。)
- Measuring the bit error rate is essential for evaluating the performance of a communication system. (测量比特错误率对于评估通信系统的性能至关重要。)
1. bit error rate vs packet error rate
比特错误率(bit error rate)是指在数据传输过程中,每传输一比特中出现错误的概率。而分组错误率(packet error rate)是指在数据通信中,每传输一个数据包出现错误的概率。
2. bit error rate vs symbol error rate
比特错误率(bit error rate)是指在数字通信中,每传输一个比特中发生错误的概率。而符号错误率(symbol error rate)是指在数字通信中,每传输一个符号(可能由多个比特组成)出现错误的概率。
1. forward error correction:前向纠错(一种通信技术,可以在数据传输中自动纠正一定数量的错误,从而提高可靠性。)
2. error detection and correction:错误检测和纠正
3. error rate:错误率
4. transmission error:传输错误
5. channel noise:信道噪声
1. BER (bit error rate)
2. error rate
3. error probability
4. error ratio
1. error-free:无错误的
2. perfect transmission:完美传输
bit error rate (noun)
the number of bits in a data stream, or the proportion of the total number of bits, that are incorrectly received, usually expressed as a power of 10
bit error rate (noun)
the proportion of bits transmitted incorrectly in a data stream, typically expressed as a power of ten
1. The bit error rate in the communication system needs to be monitored regularly.
2. The engineers are working on reducing the bit error rate to improve the overall performance.
- The system has a low bit error rate, ensuring reliable data transmission. (该系统具有低比特错误率,确保了可靠的数据传输。)
- High-quality cables can help reduce the bit error rate. (高质量的电缆可以帮助降低比特错误率。)
- The bit error rate of the network connection was too high, causing frequent data corruption. (网络连接的比特错误率太高,导致数据频繁出错。)
- Measuring the bit error rate is essential for evaluating the performance of a communication system. (测量比特错误率对于评估通信系统的性能至关重要。)
- The forward error correction technique can significantly reduce the bit error rate. (前向纠错技术可以显著降低比特错误率。)
- The error rate of the wireless transmission was unacceptably high. (无线传输的错误率非常高,无法被接受。)
- We need to improve the error detection and correction mechanisms to reduce the bit error rate. (我们需要改进错误检测和纠正机制,以降低比特错误率。)
- A high bit error rate can lead to data loss and degradation in communication quality. (高比特错误率可能导致数据丢失和通信质量下降。)
- The error probability of the system must be within an acceptable range. (系统的错误概率必须在可接受范围内。)
- By implementing advanced error correction algorithms, the bit error rate can be effectively reduced. (通过实施先进的纠错算法,可以有效降低比特错误率。)
- The communication link experienced a sudden increase in the bit error rate, resulting in frequent retransmissions. (通信链路的比特错误率突然增加,导致频繁重传。)
- The channel noise significantly impacts the bit error rate in wireless communication systems. (信道噪声对无线通信系统的比特错误率产生显著影响。)
- Reliable communication requires a low bit error rate and high data integrity. (可靠的通信需要低比特错误率和高数据完整性。)
- Increasing the signal strength can help reduce the bit error rate in long-distance transmissions. (增加信号强度可以帮助降低远距离传输中的比特错误率。)
- The bit error rate of the optical fiber connection was below the acceptable threshold. (光纤连接的比特错误率低于可接受的阈值。)
- The error ratio of the digital audio transmission was too high, causing distortion in the sound. (数字音频传输的错误比率太高,导致声音失真。)
- The system achieved a bit error rate of 10^-6, indicating a high level of reliability. (该系统实现了10^-6的比特错误率,表明具有很高的可靠性。)
- The bit error rate is a crucial parameter for evaluating the performance of wireless communication systems. (比特错误率是评估无线通信系统性能的重要参数。)
- By implementing error detection and correction techniques, the bit error rate can be effectively controlled. (通过实施错误检测和纠正技术,可以有效控制比特错误率。)
- Excessive noise in the transmission medium can lead to a higher bit error rate. (传输介质中过多的噪声会导致较高的比特错误率。)
- The bit error rate increased as the transmission distance became longer. (随着传输距离的增加,比特错误率也增加了。)