competent: 有能力的,胜任的
competency: 能力,胜任,资格
incompetent: 无能力的,不称职的
competently: 胜任地,称职地
uncompetent: 不称职的,无能力的
ability: 能力
capability: 能力,才能
proficiency: 熟练,能力
skill: 技能,技巧
inability: 无能,无能力
incompetence: 无能,不称职
competency: The competency of a person in a particular field of work or activity is their ability to do it well.
competency: Competency is a language that is used to refer to systems or processes that are used in education, industry, and science to assess people's knowledge, skills, and qualifications.
competency-based: Competency-based education focuses on what students are expected to learn and achieve rather than how long they have spent studying.
competency: The ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
competency: The legal authority of a court or other body to deal with a particular matter.
competency: The quality or state of being legally qualified or fit to perform an act.
1. He has demonstrated great competency in managing the project. (他在项目管理方面表现出了极高的能力。)
2. The competency of the candidates will be assessed through a series of tests. (候选人的能力将通过一系列测试来评估。)
3. The competency of the court to handle this case is being questioned. (有人质疑法院处理此案的能力。)
4. The competency requirements for this job are clearly stated in the job description. (该职位的胜任要求在职位说明中明确列出。)
- He is highly competent in his field of expertise. (他在自己的专业领域非常有能力。)
- She has proven her competency through years of successful work. (她通过多年的成功工作证明了自己的能力。)
- His lack of competency in the subject was evident during the presentation. (他在这个科目上的无能明显地表现在演讲中。)
- Competency in a foreign language is a valuable skill in today's globalized world. (在当今全球化的世界中,掌握一门外语是一项宝贵的技能。)
- She lacks the necessary competencies for this position. (她缺乏这个职位所需的必要能力。)
- The competency test will assess your knowledge and skills in the field. (能力测试将评估你在这个领域的知识和技能。)
- His competency-based approach to teaching has yielded positive results. (他以能力为基础的教学方法取得了积极的成果。)
- The competency framework provides guidelines for assessing employees' performance. (能力框架为评估员工绩效提供了指导。)
- The court has the competency to handle cases of this nature. (法院有处理此类案件的能力。)
- She was declared legally competent to make her own decisions. (她被宣布具备作出自己决定的法律资格。)
- His competency as a leader is unquestionable. (他作为领导的能力是无可置疑的。)
- The candidate's competencies will be evaluated during the interview process. (候选人的能力将在面试过程中进行评估。)
- The competency requirements for this job include strong communication skills. (该职位的胜任要求包括良好的沟通能力。)
- She has been working to improve her competencies in the field of marketing. (她一直在努力提高自己在市场营销领域的能力。)
- His lack of competency in managing the team led to a decline in productivity. (他在团队管理方面的无能导致生产力下降。)
- The competency-based approach focuses on individual skills and abilities. (以能力为基础的方法侧重于个人的技能和能力。)
- The competency assessment will determine whether the candidate is suitable for the position. (能力评估将决定候选人是否适合该职位。)
- The company provides training programs to develop employees' competencies. (公司提供培训计划以发展员工的能力。)
- Her competency in problem-solving has been recognized by her colleagues. (她在解决问题方面的能力得到了同事们的认可。)
- The competency framework helps identify areas for professional development. (能力框架有助于确定专业发展的方向。)