形容词 1. deeply respected and admired - 令人深感尊敬的,备受崇敬的 名词 1. a person who is deeply respected and admired - 受到深深尊敬和崇敬的人词语辨析
- revere与admire的区别在于revere强调对某人的崇敬和尊敬程度更深。词汇扩充
- reverence (n.) 尊敬,崇敬 - revered (adj.) 受尊敬的,备受崇敬的 - reverential (adj.) 表示尊敬的,恭敬的近义词
- respect (v.) 尊敬 - venerate (v.) 崇敬,敬仰 - idolize (v.) 崇拜,崇敬反义词
- disrespect (v.) 不尊重,轻视 - scorn (v.) 轻蔑,鄙视柯林斯词典
revere (riːˈvɪə) 动词 If you revere someone or something, you respect and admire them greatly. 名词 A revered person or thing is greatly respected and admired. 例句 1. They revered their ancestors. - 他们尊敬他们的祖先。 2. The actor is revered for his talent and versatility. - 这位演员因其才华和多才多艺备受尊敬。牛津词典
revere (rɪˈvɪə) 动词 Feel deep respect or admiration for (something). 名词 A person who is revered. 例句 1. The professor is revered by his students. - 这位教授备受学生敬仰。 2. The ancient temple is a place of reverence. - 这座古老的寺庙是一个崇敬的地方。例句
- I revere my grandparents for their wisdom and guidance. - 我对我的祖父母十分崇敬,因为他们的智慧和引导。
- The community reveres its local leaders for their selfless service. - 社区对于其地方领导人的无私奉献表示崇敬。
- She is a revered figure in the field of science. - 她是科学界备受尊敬的人物。
- The students showed reverence towards their teacher during the ceremony. - 学生们在典礼期间对他们的老师表示尊敬。
- The ancient monument is held in great reverence by the locals. - 这座古老的纪念碑在当地人心中备受尊敬。
- He is widely revered as a spiritual leader. - 他被广泛尊敬为一位精神领袖。
- Many people revere the works of Shakespeare. - 许多人崇敬莎士比亚的作品。
- The revered elder of the tribe passed away peacefully. - 部落中备受尊敬的长者平静地离世了。
- She is regarded as a revered symbol of the nation's history. - 她被视为国家历史的崇敬象征。
- They held a ceremony to honor the revered war veterans. - 他们举行了一场仪式,向备受尊敬的战争老兵致敬。
- The reclusive artist is revered for his unique style of painting. - 这位隐居的艺术家因其独特的绘画风格备受尊敬。
- The spiritual leader's teachings are revered by his followers. - 这位精神领袖的教导备受其追随者的尊崇。
- His achievements in the field of medicine are revered worldwide. - 他在医学领域的成就在全球范围内备受尊敬。
- The revered statue of Buddha is a major pilgrimage site. - 这尊备受尊崇的佛像是一个重要的朝圣地。
- Local traditions and customs are revered by the indigenous population. - 地方传统和风俗受到土著人口的尊敬。
- The revered leader's legacy continues to inspire future generations. - 这位备受尊敬的领导人的遗产继续激励着未来的一代。
- Her courage and resilience are revered by those who know her story. - 那些了解她故事的人对她的勇气和韧性表示崇敬。
- They gathered at the revered shrine to pay their respects. - 他们聚集在备受尊敬的神庙,表示敬意。
- The revered poet's verses have touched the hearts of many. - 这位备受尊崇的诗人的诗句触动了很多人的心。
- He is often referred to as the revered father of modern physics. - 他经常被称为现代物理学的崇敬之父。