1. 简明扼要的;概括的
recap (adj.): being a concise summary or overview of something
- Here is a recap of the main points we discussed earlier.
- Let me give you a quick recap of what happened yesterday.
1. 简明扼要的总结;概括
recap (n.): a concise summary or overview
- I will provide a recap of the key findings at the end of the presentation.
- Could you give me a quick recap of the main events in the story?
2. 轮胎的翻新胎
recap (n.): a retreaded tire
- The mechanic suggested getting recaps instead of new tires to save money.
- It's important to regularly check the condition of your recap tires.
形容词:concise, summary, brief, succinct
名词:summary, overview, synopsis, abstract
reiteration, review, rundown, outline
elaboration, expansion, detailed account
recap (noun): A recap is a summary of what has been said or done at the end of a meeting or discussion.
recap (verb): If you recap something, you summarize it.
recap (noun): A recap is a brief summary of something.
recap (verb): To recap means to give a brief summary of something.
1. recap可以作为名词或动词使用。
2. 当作名词时,recap指的是对某事物的简要总结。
3. 当作动词时,recap指的是对某事物进行概述或总结。
- Let's start the meeting with a recap of our previous discussion.
- Could you give us a quick recap of the main points?
- After the lecture, the professor provided a helpful recap of the key concepts.
- Here is a brief recap of what we have covered so far.
- She gave a detailed recap of the events leading up to the incident.
- Let me recap the main arguments before we move on to the next topic.
- The recap at the end of the chapter helped summarize the main events.
- He provided a concise recap of the book in his review.
- The manager gave a recap of the team's performance during the meeting.
- Before we wrap up, let's do a quick recap of the main takeaways.
- The recap tires on his car provided good traction on the wet road.
- It's time to replace these old recap tires with new ones.
- He decided to get recap tires to save money.
- The mechanic recommended getting recaps instead of new tires.
- She prefers using recap tires on her truck.
- The recap of the story at the beginning of the chapter helped refresh the reader's memory.
- After the presentation, the speaker provided a helpful recap of the main points.
- Let me give you a quick recap of what we have discussed so far.
- The professor asked the students to write a recap of the article for the next class.
- Could you please provide a recap of the main events in the novel?