1. cottonwool (also cotton-wool)
英文解释:resembling or characteristic of cotton wool; soft and fluffy
例句:Her cottonwool voice was soothing and gentle.
1. cottonwool
英文解释:a soft, white, downy substance resembling cotton that is used as a surgical dressing, insulation material, etc.
例句:The wound was covered with cottonwool to protect it.
1. cotton wool bud: 棉签
2. cotton wool roll: 棉绒卷
3. cotton wool pad: 棉片
4. cotton wool ball: 棉球
1. batting
2. wadding
3. filler
1. hard
2. firm
3. solid
cottonwool (noun) 棉花
cottonwool (adjective) 柔软的,棉花般的
cotton wool (noun) 棉花
cotton wool (adjective) 柔软的,纤维状的
- She has a cottonwool touch when it comes to handling delicate objects.
- 她在处理精细物品时手法轻柔。
- The baby's skin was as soft as cottonwool.
- 宝宝的皮肤柔软如棉花。
- He wrapped the fragile item in cottonwool to protect it during transportation.
- 他用棉花将易碎物品包裹起来,以便在运输过程中保护它。
- The dentist used cottonwool to absorb the saliva during the procedure.
- 牙医在操作过程中使用棉花吸收唾液。
- She had to wear cottonwool in her ears to block out the noise.
- 她不得不用棉花塞住耳朵以遮挡噪音。
- He had a cottonwool ball in his hand that he used to clean the wound.
- 他手里拿着一个棉花球,用来清洁伤口。
- The baby's crib was lined with soft cottonwool for extra comfort.
- 宝宝的婴儿床用柔软的棉花垫好以提供额外的舒适度。
- The doctor gently applied some antiseptic to the wound before covering it with cottonwool.
- 医生在伤口上轻轻涂抹了一些防腐剂,然后用棉花盖住。
- The artist used cottonwool to create a textured effect in her painting.
- 艺术家在画中使用棉花创造了一种质感效果。
- She bought a bag of cottonwool to use for her craft projects.
- 她买了一袋棉花用于她的手工艺项目。
- The cottonwool insulation in the house kept it warm during the winter months.
- 房子里的棉花绝缘材料在冬季保持了温暖。
- She had to remove the cottonwool from her ears to hear what he was saying.
- 她不得不取出耳朵里的棉花才能听到他在说什么。
- The doctor gently cleaned the wound with cottonwool and applied a bandage.
- 医生用棉花轻轻清洁伤口,然后贴上绷带。
- She carefully packed the delicate china plates in cottonwool to protect them.
- 她小心翼翼地用棉花将精致的瓷盘包裹起来以保护它们。
- He had a cottonwool pad on his finger to stop the bleeding.
- 他手指上贴着棉花片以止血。
- The cottonwool stuffing in the toy made it soft and cuddly.
- 玩具里的棉花填充物使其柔软可爱。
- The cottonwool clouds floated across the sky on a sunny day.
- 棉花般的云朵在晴朗的天空中飘浮。
- She used cottonwool to remove her makeup at the end of the day.
- 她用棉花在一天结束时卸妆。
- The baby's crib was lined with cottonwool to provide a soft and comfortable sleeping surface.
- 宝宝的婴儿床被垫上了棉花,提供柔软舒适的睡眠表面。
- She had to be careful not to get any cottonwool fibers in the wound.
- 她必须小心不要让棉花纤维掉进伤口。
- The cottonwool insulation kept the house warm in the cold winter.
- 棉花绝缘材料使得房子在寒冷的冬天保持温暖。
- He wrapped the fragile vase in cottonwool to protect it during transportation.
- 他用棉花将易碎的花瓶包裹起来,以便在运输过程中保护它。