1. 名词
1.1 公民投票权,选举权1.2 (特指妇女的)选举权
1.3 投票权,表决权
2. 形容词
2.1 具有选举权的2.2 投票的,表决的
3. 词语辨析
3.1 suffrage与franchise的区别:suffrage侧重于选举权的概念,强调作为公民的权利;franchise更侧重于对选举权的授予和行使的制度性安排。
4. 词汇扩充
4.1 universal suffrage 普选权4.2 women's suffrage 妇女选举权
4.3 suffrage movement 选举权运动
4.4 suffrage rights 选举权利
5. 近义词
5.1 vote5.2 enfranchisement
5.3 ballot
6. 反义词
6.1 disenfranchisement7. 柯林斯词典
suffrage (sʌfrɪdʒ)名词
1. 公民投票权;选举权
2. (尤指妇女的)选举权
3. 投票权;表决权
8. 牛津词典
suffrage (/ˈsʌfrɪdʒ/)名词
1. 公民投票权,选举权
2. (尤指妇女的)选举权
3. 投票权,表决权
9. 用法
9.1 用作名词:The suffrage movement fought for women's right to vote.(选举权运动为妇女争取了选举权。)9.2 用作名词:Universal suffrage is an essential component of a democratic society.(普选权是民主社会的重要组成部分。)
9.3 用作形容词:Suffrage rights should be granted to all citizens.(所有公民应该被授予选举权。)
- Women fought hard for suffrage in the early 20th century.(20世纪初,妇女为争取选举权进行了艰苦的斗争。)
- The suffrage movement achieved a major victory with the passing of the 19th Amendment.(随着第19修正案的通过,选举权运动取得了重大胜利。)
- Universal suffrage was granted to all citizens over the age of 18.(所有年满18岁的公民都被授予了普选权。)
- She was a prominent suffrage activist and campaigned tirelessly for women's right to vote.(她是一位杰出的选举权活动家,为妇女的投票权不知疲倦地进行着宣传。)
- His speech on suffrage rights resonated with the audience.(他关于选举权利的演讲引起了听众的共鸣。)
- The suffrage movement played a crucial role in advancing gender equality.(选举权运动在推进性别平等方面发挥了关键作用。)
- She was the first woman in the country to exercise suffrage.(她是该国第一位行使选举权的女性。)
- Suffrage was granted to women in that country in 1920.(该国妇女在1920年获得了选举权。)
- The suffrage campaign attracted widespread support from both men and women.(选举权运动得到了男女广泛的支持。)
- The suffrage movement paved the way for greater political participation by women.(选举权运动为妇女更大程度的政治参与铺平了道路。)
- He was a vocal advocate for suffrage reform.(他是选举权改革的积极倡导者。)
- The suffrage bill was passed in parliament yesterday.(选举权法案昨天在议会中通过。)
- Women's suffrage was a milestone in the history of gender equality.(妇女选举权是性别平等历史上的里程碑。)
- The suffrage movement faced strong opposition from conservative groups.(选举权运动面临来自保守派团体的强烈反对。)
- She dedicated her life to the cause of suffrage.(她把一生都奉献给了选举权事业。)
- The suffrage rally drew thousands of supporters to the streets.(选举权集会吸引了成千上万的支持者走上街头。)
- He argued passionately for the extension of suffrage to all citizens.(他激情澎湃地主张将选举权扩展到所有公民。)
- She was a key figure in the suffrage movement.(她是选举权运动中的重要人物。)
- The suffrage issue divided the nation.(选举权问题使国家分裂。)
- The suffrage campaign resulted in significant changes to the electoral system.(选举权运动导致了选举制度的重大变革。)