throw off
形容词: 1. 摆脱的,抛开的,解脱的2. 轻松愉快的,欢快的
3. 使人困惑的,使人猜测的
名词: 1. 摆脱,解脱
2. 欢快的活动
3. 意想不到的事物
throw off 和 shake off 的意思相似,都表示“摆脱”,但shake off 更侧重于通过努力或震动来摆脱,而throw off 则更强调通过抛弃或迅速离开来摆脱。词汇扩充
1. throw off the shackles of oppression - 摆脱压迫的枷锁 2. throw off the old habits - 摆脱旧习惯 3. throw off the burden of responsibility - 解脱责任的负担近义词
rid, cast off, shed, discard, free oneself from反义词
retain, keep, hold on to柯林斯词典
throw off (phrasal verb)1. If you throw off something that is restricting you, you manage to get rid of it.
Example: He threw off his jacket and sat down on the bed.
2. If you throw off an illness, you recover from it.
Example: Within a week he had thrown off the virus.
3. If you throw someone off, you make them confused about something, for example, your intentions or your position.
Example: He has been trying to throw us off the scent.
throw off (phrasal verb)1. To remove something that is covering or restricting you.
Example: She threw off her coat and sat down.
2. To recover from an illness or a bad feeling.
Example: She managed to throw off her cold just in time for the party.
3. To confuse or deceive someone.
Example: He tried to throw his pursuers off by taking a different route.
4. To produce or perform something quickly and easily.
Example: The band threw off a series of great songs in a short period of time.
1. I need to throw off this heavy coat. (我需要脱掉这件厚外套。) 2. The runner managed to throw off his competitors and win the race. (这名选手成功抛开竞争对手并赢得了比赛。) 3. She was finally able to throw off the burden of debt. (她终于能够摆脱负债的重担。)相关例句
- We need to throw off the old ways of thinking and embrace new ideas. (我们需要摆脱旧有的思维方式,接纳新的观念。)
- After years of therapy, he was finally able to throw off the emotional trauma from his past. (经过多年的治疗,他终于能够摆脱过去的情感创伤。)
- She threw off her coat and ran towards the sea. (她脱掉外套朝大海跑去。)
- The flu is difficult to throw off, so make sure to rest and take medicine. (流感难以摆脱,所以务必休息并服用药物。)
- The detective tried to throw off the suspect by giving false information. (侦探试图通过提供错误信息来迷惑嫌疑人。)
- He threw off a witty remark that made everyone laugh. (他说了一句诙谐的话,让大家都笑了。)
- They managed to throw off the pursuing police cars by taking a series of quick turns. (他们通过连续快速转弯成功甩掉了追逐的警车。)
- He threw off his inhibitions and danced freely at the party. (他抛开了顾虑,在派对上尽情地跳舞。)
- The company threw off its negative reputation by launching a successful marketing campaign. (通过推出一项成功的营销活动,公司甩掉了负面声誉。)
- She threw off her worries and enjoyed the moment. (她摆脱了烦恼,享受着此刻。)
- He quickly threw off his disguise and revealed his true identity. (他迅速脱下伪装,露出真实身份。)
- The author threw off a new novel in just a few months. (作家在几个月内迅速完成了一本新小说。)
- She threw off her shyness and confidently spoke in front of the crowd. (她摆脱了羞怯,在人群面前自信地演讲。)
- The child threw off the blanket and jumped out of bed. (孩子扔掉毯子,跳下床来。)
- They organized a charity event to raise funds and bring some throw off to the community. (他们组织了一场慈善活动,筹集资金,给社区带来了欢乐。)
- His unexpected resignation was a throw off for the entire company. (他意外辞职对整个公司来说是一个意想不到的打击。)
- The jazz band held a lively throw off in the park, attracting a large audience. (爵士乐队在公园里举办了一场欢快的演出,吸引了众多观众。)
- His witty remarks always throw off the audience. (他诙谐的评论总是让观众捧腹大笑。)
- The magician threw off his cape and disappeared in a puff of smoke. (魔术师甩掉披风,消失在一团烟雾中。)
- She threw off her cold quickly with the help of medication and rest. (在药物和休息的帮助下,她很快就摆脱了感冒。)
- The suspect managed to throw off the police by changing his appearance. (嫌疑人通过改变外貌成功摆脱了警方追捕。)