freakshow的形容词: 1. 奇特的,怪异的 2. 反常的,异常的名词
freakshow的名词: 1. 怪物表演,奇观表演 2. 怪人展览,畸形人展览词语辨析
freakshow和circus的区别: freakshow强调展示奇特、异常的事物,尤其是人的畸形或怪异之处;而circus则更侧重于各种表演、杂技和动物表演。词汇扩充
相关词汇: 1. oddity:奇特之物 2. sideshow:副表演,娱乐活动中的附加节目 3. curiosity:好奇心,奇特之物 4. spectacle:壮观的场面近义词
相似词汇: 1. sideshow 2. oddity 3. curiosity反义词
相反词汇: 1. normality:正常状态 2. conventionality:常规,传统 3. regularity:规律性柯林斯词典
解释: A freakshow is an exhibition of people, animals, or objects that are considered to be unusual or grotesque. 例句: 1. The museum's freakshow included a two-headed calf. 2. The circus had a freakshow featuring individuals with extraordinary abilities.牛津词典
解释: A freakshow is a show or exhibition, typically in a circus, that features unusual or deformed people, animals, or objects. 例句: 1. The freakshow at the carnival showcased a collection of oddities. 2. The freakshow performer amazed the audience with his contortionist skills.用法
常见用法: 1. attend a freakshow 参观怪人表演 2. exhibit in a freakshow 在怪人展览中展出 3. perform in a freakshow 在怪人表演中表演例句
- The circus featured a freakshow with performers who had unique physical characteristics. 那个马戏团有一个怪人表演,表演者拥有独特的身体特征。
- Visitors to the fair were drawn to the freakshow, where they could see individuals with extraordinary talents. 游客们被怪人表演吸引,他们可以看到那些拥有非凡才能的人。
- The freakshow at the carnival displayed a collection of strange and unusual objects. 嘉年华的怪人表演展示了一系列奇怪而不寻常的物品。
- She found herself fascinated by the freakshow, despite her initial reservations. 尽管最初有些犹豫,但她发现自己对怪人表演非常着迷。
- Children watched in awe as the performers in the freakshow demonstrated their extraordinary abilities. 孩子们惊叹地观看着怪人表演中表演者展示他们非凡的能力。
- The freakshow drew a large crowd, eager to see the bizarre and unusual. 怪人表演吸引了一大群热切期待看到奇异和不寻常事物的人。
- His appearance was so unique that people often mistook him for a performer in a freakshow. 他的外貌如此独特,以至于人们经常把他误认为是怪人表演的演员。
- The freakshow was a controversial form of entertainment that attracted both curiosity and criticism. 怪人表演是一种有争议的娱乐形式,吸引了好奇和批评。
- They decided to skip the freakshow and instead enjoy the other attractions at the carnival. 他们决定跳过怪人表演,而是去享受嘉年华的其他景点。
- Some people find the concept of a freakshow offensive and exploitative. 一些人认为怪人表演的概念是冒犯和剥削性的。
- Despite its controversial nature, the freakshow continued to attract audiences eager for a glimpse of the extraordinary. 尽管具有争议性,怪人表演继续吸引着渴望一瞥非凡之处的观众。
- The freakshow was filled with strange and wonderful sights that left a lasting impression on those who attended. 怪人表演充满了奇怪而美妙的景象,给那些参加的人留下了深刻的印象。
- He had always felt like an outsider, but in the freakshow, he found a place where he belonged. 他一直觉得自己像个局外人,但在怪人表演中,他找到了一个属于自己的地方。
- The freakshow performers were proud of their unique talents and saw themselves as a community. 怪人表演的演员为自己独特的才能感到骄傲,并把自己看作一个社区。
- She couldn't help but be intrigued by the freakshow, even though she knew it was a spectacle designed to shock and entertain. 尽管知道怪人表演是为了震惊和娱乐而设计的,但她还是忍不住被它吸引。
- He had always been fascinated by the strange and unusual, so the freakshow was a perfect fit for his interests. 他一直对奇怪和不寻常的事物着迷,所以怪人表演非常适合他的兴趣。
- The freakshow was a popular attraction at the fair, drawing crowds eager to witness the bizarre and extraordinary. 怪人表演是嘉年华的热门景点,吸引了一大群渴望目睹奇异和非凡之处的人。
- She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as she entered the tent for the freakshow. 当她走进怪人表演的帐篷时,她不禁感到一种不安。
- He had always been fascinated by the stories of the people in the freakshow, wondering what their lives were like behind the scenes. 他一直对怪人表演中人们的故事着迷,想知道他们在幕后的生活是什么样子。
- The freakshow was a testament to human curiosity and the desire to witness the extraordinary. 怪人表演是人类好奇心和渴望目睹非凡之处的证明。
- She couldn't tear her eyes away from the freakshow, even though some of the sights made her feel uncomfortable. 尽管其中一些景象让她感到不舒服,但她却无法把目光从怪人表演上移开。