dumb down
形容词: - 简单化的;浅显的 名词: - 简化,浅化 词语辨析: - dumb down与simplify的区别在于,dumb down指的是将信息或内容降低到适合低智商或初学者的水平,而simplify指的是将复杂的事物或概念简化或减少细节。 词汇扩充: - dumb downer:简化者,简单化的事物 - dumbing down:简化,浅化 近义词: - simplify, reduce complexity, make easier to understand 反义词: - complicate, make more complex, make harder to understand 柯林斯词典: - dumb down (phrasal verb) - If you say that something such as a book, a language, or a school curriculum is dumbed down, you mean that it has been made simpler and less intellectually challenging, usually in order to make it more popular or to appeal to a wider audience. - 例句:The show's producers insisted the program had not been dumbed down for a younger audience. - 例句:The book was criticized for being dumbed down and lacking in depth. 牛津词典: - dumb down (phrasal verb) - Simplify or reduce the intellectual content of something so as to make it accessible to a larger number of people. - 例句:The idea that popular television is dumbing down the nation is a perennial one. - 例句:Network executives believed the show needed to be dumbed down to attract a wider audience.用法:
- dumb down something:简化或浅化某事物 - dumb something down:简化或浅化某事物相关例句:
- The article was dumbed down to appeal to a wider readership.(这篇文章被简化以吸引更广泛的读者群。)
- They dumbed down the language in the book to make it more accessible to children.(他们简化了书中的语言,以便儿童更容易理解。)
- The documentary was criticized for dumbing down complex scientific concepts.(这部纪录片因将复杂的科学概念简化而受到批评。)
- The educational material was dumbed down for students with learning disabilities.(教育材料针对学习障碍的学生进行了简化。)
- Some argue that the media's focus on entertainment has led to a dumbing down of news and information.(一些人认为媒体对娱乐的关注导致了新闻和信息的浅化。)
- The government has been accused of dumbing down the school curriculum.(政府被指责将学校课程简化了。)
- The professor was criticized for dumbing down his lectures to cater to less capable students.(这位教授因将讲课内容简化以迎合能力较差的学生而受到批评。)
- The movie was dumbed down to appeal to a broader audience.(电影被简化以吸引更广泛的观众。)
- The museum exhibition was criticized for dumbing down history and oversimplifying complex events.(博物馆展览因简化历史和过度简化复杂事件而受到批评。)
- The new textbook has been dumbed down in order to make it easier for students to understand.(为了让学生更容易理解,这本新教材被简化了。)
- He felt that the educational system was dumbing down students by focusing more on memorization than critical thinking.(他认为教育系统通过更多地强调记忆而不是批判性思维来对学生进行浅化。)
- The newspaper was accused of dumbing down its content to attract a larger readership.(这家报纸被指责将内容简化以吸引更多读者。)
- Some argue that the internet has dumbed down society by providing quick and shallow information.(一些人认为互联网通过提供快速和肤浅的信息来浅化了社会。)
- She dumbed down her presentation so that everyone could understand it.(她简化了演讲内容,以便每个人都能理解。)
- The book was criticized for dumbing down complex scientific theories.(这本书因将复杂的科学理论简化而受到批评。)
- The educational software is designed to dumb down difficult concepts for young learners.(这款教育软件旨在将难懂的概念简化给年轻学习者。)
- He felt that the news media was dumbing down important issues by oversimplifying them.(他认为新闻媒体因过度简化重要问题而进行浅化。)
- The professor was accused of dumbing down the course material to make it easier for students to pass.(这位教授被指责将课程内容简化,以便学生更容易通过。)
- The documentary dumbs down the history of the conflict, leaving out important details.(这部纪录片简化了冲突的历史,遗漏了重要的细节。)
- The news program has been criticized for dumbing down political analysis.(这个新闻节目因简化政治分析而受到批评。)