形容词 1. (声音)响亮的,清晰的(loud and clear in sound): - The soundout music filled the room.音乐的声音充满了房间。 2. (建议或观点)可靠的,值得信赖的(reliable and trustworthy): - He always has soundout advice for his friends.
他总是给朋友们提供可靠的建议。 名词 1. (音响设备)扩音器(amplifier for sound): - The soundout was used to project the speaker's voice.
扩音器被用来放大演讲者的声音。 2. (行动)询问,调查(the act of inquiring): - The management conducted a soundout to gather feedback from employees.
- sound: 声音,有关声音的,健康的 - sound out: 询问,试探词汇扩充
- soundness: 健全,可靠 - unsound: 不健全的,不可靠的近义词
- loud: 响亮的 - reliable: 可靠的 - inquire: 询问反义词
- quiet: 安静的,轻声的 - unreliable: 不可靠的柯林斯词典
soundout (verb) 1. If you sound someone out on a particular subject, you talk to them in order to find out what they think about it or what they know about it. 2. If you sound out an idea or plan, you tell someone about it in order to find out what they think of it.牛津词典
sound out (phrasal verb) 1. Seek the views of (someone) on a particular subject or proposal. 2. Test (someone) discreetly to discover their intentions or opinions.用法
- I need to soundout my parents about my decision to study abroad.我需要向父母打听一下我出国留学的决定。 - The teacher soundout the students' opinions on the new curriculum.
老师征求了学生对新课程的意见。 - She soundout her friend's interest in starting a business together.
她试探了一下朋友是否有兴趣一起创业。 - The manager soundout the team members before making the final decision.
1. The soundout of the piano echoed through the concert hall.钢琴的声音在音乐厅里回荡着。 2. He gave a soundout explanation of the scientific theory.
他对这个科学理论做了一个清晰的解释。 3. The soundout advice she received helped her make an informed decision.
她得到的可靠建议帮助她做出了明智的决定。 4. The soundout of the speaker was crystal clear, making it easy to understand.
演讲者的声音清晰而响亮,易于理解。 5. The soundout system in the auditorium ensured that everyone could hear the performance.
礼堂里的扩音系统确保每个人都能听到演出。 6. The students conducted a soundout to gather feedback from their classmates.
学生们进行了一次调查,以收集同学们的反馈。 7. She used the soundout to amplify her voice during the presentation.
她在演讲时使用扩音器来放大声音。 8. The company conducted a soundout to assess customer satisfaction.
公司进行了一次调查,以评估客户满意度。 9. The soundout of the question surprised the interviewee.
面试问题的询问使被面试者感到惊讶。 10. He decided to soundout his colleagues about the new project before proceeding.
在继续之前,他决定先向同事们请教一下关于新项目的意见。 11. The team leader soundout each member individually to ensure their input was considered.
团队领导单独与每个成员交流,以确保他们的意见得到考虑。 12. Before making a decision, it is important to soundout various stakeholders.
在做决定之前,征求各方利益相关者的意见很重要。 13. They soundout their parents for permission to go on the school trip.
他们向父母请教是否允许参加学校旅行。 14. The CEO soundout the employees' opinions on the new company policy.
首席执行官征询了员工对新的公司政策的看法。 15. The politician soundout voters to gauge their support for his campaign.
政治家试探选民,以衡量他们对他的竞选活动的支持。 16. She soundout her friends about the possibility of a weekend getaway.
她向朋友们打听了一下周末度假的可能性。 17. The teacher soundout the students to see if they understood the lesson.
老师询问学生是否理解了这节课。 18. Please soundout the customer to determine their satisfaction with our service.
请向客户询问,以确定他们对我们的服务是否满意。 19. The soundout of the idea received positive feedback from the team.
这个想法的反馈得到了团队的积极回应。 20. He soundout his colleagues' opinions before presenting his proposal to the board.