“drive on” 中英词典
1. drive-on [形]
例句:The drive-on ramp allows for easy loading and unloading of vehicles.(这个可直接使用的斜坡方便车辆的装卸。)
1. drive-on [名]
例句:The drive-on of the armored division was a strategic move to gain control of the city.(装甲师的快速推进是为了控制该城市的战略举措。)
2. drive-on [名]
例句:After a quick coffee break, the truck driver continued his drive-on.(在快速喝完咖啡后,卡车司机继续开车行驶。)
“drive on” 与 “continue driving” 的区别在于,“drive on” 更强调持续前进,而 “continue driving” 则更侧重于继续开车行驶。
- drive on and on 持续不断地前进
- drive on the right 在右侧行驶
- drive on fumes 勉强继续行驶(燃料不足)
- drive on the wrong side 在错误的车道行驶
continue, proceed, advance, move forward
stop, halt, stay
drive-on [名]
drive-on [形]
drive-on [名]
1. 行车道
2. 行进过程中的短暂停留
1. 当前缀在形容词或名词前,表示“可直接使用的”或“快速通过或继续前进的”。
2. 当作名词时,指的是军队行动中的快速通过或继续前进,或者指行进过程中的短暂停留。
1. The new software update is a drive-on solution, requiring no additional hardware.(这个新的软件更新是一个可直接使用的解决方案,不需要额外的硬件。)
2. The convoy of trucks drove on through the night without stopping.(车队的卡车连夜行驶,没有停下来。)
3. The soldier was ordered to drive on and catch up with the rest of the troops.(士兵被命令继续前进,赶上其他部队。)
4. The driver ignored the detour sign and drove on along the closed road.(司机无视绕行标志,继续沿着封闭的道路行驶。)
5. Despite the heavy rain, the rally participants decided to drive on and complete the race.(尽管下着大雨,拉力赛的参与者决定继续前进并完成比赛。)
6. The drive-on ramp provides easy access for vehicles to board the ferry.(这个可直接使用的斜坡方便车辆登上渡船。)
7. The drive-on was a tactical maneuver used to quickly advance the troops.(快速推进是一种用于迅速推进部队的战术动作。)
8. The truck driver made a quick drive-on at the rest stop before continuing the journey.(卡车司机在休息站进行了短暂停留,然后继续旅程。)
9. The drive-on experience can be challenging for new drivers.(对于新手司机来说,继续行驶可能是一项具有挑战性的经历。)
10. The troops were ordered to drive on and maintain their position in enemy territory.(士兵们被命令继续前进,并保持在敌方领土上的阵地。)
11. The drive-on equipment allowed for rapid deployment of the military assets.(可直接使用的装备使军事资产能够快速部署。)
12. The driver decided to drive on despite the roadblock, hoping to find an alternative route.(司机决定继续前进,尽管遇到了路障,希望能找到另一条路线。)
13. The drive-on process at the border checkpoint was smooth and efficient.(边境检查站的继续行驶过程顺利高效。)
14. The drive-on training prepares soldiers for quick mobilization and deployment.(继续行驶训练使士兵能够快速动员和部署。)
15. The driver paused briefly at the intersection before deciding to drive on.(司机在十字路口短暂停顿后决定继续前进。)
16. The drive-on of the armored vehicles was a display of military strength.(装甲车辆的继续行驶展示了军事实力。)
17. The truck driver had to drive on through the storm to reach the destination on time.(卡车司机不得不在暴风雨中继续行驶,以便准时到达目的地。)
18. The soldiers were ordered to drive on without stopping to rest.(士兵们被命令继续行驶,不停下来休息。)
19. The drive-on capability of the military vehicles allowed for rapid response in emergency situations.(军用车辆的继续行驶能力使其能够在紧急情况下快速响应。)
20. The driver decided to drive on even though the road conditions were challenging.(尽管路况艰难,司机还是决定继续前进。)