1. 流通的;流传的
英文解释:passed or caused to pass from person to person or place to place; distributed or made known
- Money is circulated throughout the country. (货币在全国范围内流通。)
- The memo was circulated to all employees. (备忘录已经发给所有员工了。)
- The newspaper is widely circulated. (这家报纸的发行量很大。)
1. 循环;流通
英文解释:the movement of blood or other substances through a closed system
- Good circulation is important for overall health. (良好的血液循环对整体健康很重要。)
- Exercise helps improve circulation. (锻炼有助于改善血液循环。)
2. 传播;发行
英文解释:the dissemination of information, news, or ideas to a wide audience
- The circulation of fake news has become a major concern. (假新闻的传播已成为一个重大关注点。)
- The book had a high circulation. (这本书的发行量很高。)
1. circulate 和 distribute
英文解释:Circulate 表示物体或信息的传递,而 distribute 则强调根据计划或目标进行分发。
- Please circulate this document to all team members. (请将这份文件分发给所有团队成员。)
- The company distributes its products to retailers nationwide. (该公司将产品分销给全国各地的零售商。)
1. overcirculated:过度流通的
英文解释:circulated excessively
- The book is overcirculated and in poor condition. (这本书被过度流通,状况很差。)
diffuse, disseminate, propagate
withdrawn, withheld
circulated (adjective)
【1】If a story, joke, or piece of information is circulated, it is passed on to a number of people or published in a newspaper or magazine. (如果一个故事、笑话或信息被传播,它会被传递给很多人,或者被刊登在报纸或杂志上。)
【2】If a newspaper, magazine, or letter is circulated, it is sent to a number of people. (如果报纸、杂志或信件被发行,它会被寄给很多人。)
【3】If a coin or banknote is circulated, it is used as money. (如果硬币或纸币在流通,它会被用作货币。)
circulated (adjective)
【1】(of information, ideas, etc.) spread or passed on from one person or place to another ((信息、思想等)传播的,流传的)
【2】(of a coin or banknote) put into circulation; used as a medium of exchange ((硬币或纸币)流通的,用作交换的)
1. circulated as an adjective is usually followed by "information," "rumor," "news," "memo," etc.
2. circulated may also serve as the past tense and past participle of the verb "circulate."
- The rumors about their relationship were widely circulated. (关于他们关系的谣言被广泛传播。)
- News of the accident quickly circulated throughout the office. (关于事故的消息很快在办公室里传开了。)
- A memo was circulated to all staff members. (备忘录已发给所有员工。)
- Coins and banknotes are circulated by the central bank. (硬币和纸币由中央银行流通。)
- The counterfeit money was discovered when it was circulated in the market. (假钞在市场上流通时被发现了。)
- Information about the product launch needs to be circulated to the media. (关于产品发布的信息需要传达给媒体。)
- He circulated among the guests, making sure everyone was having a good time. (他在客人中间走动,确保每个人都过得愉快。)
- The magazine is widely circulated in Europe. (这本杂志在欧洲广泛发行。)
- She circulated the photos of the event on social media. (她在社交媒体上发布了活动的照片。)
- After the meeting, the minutes were circulated to all attendees. (会议结束后,会议纪要被发给所有与会者。)
- The company circulated a press release to announce the new product. (公司发布了一则新闻稿来宣布新产品。)
- The brochure provides information about the circulated art exhibition. (小册子提供了关于流通艺术展览的信息。)
- The document was circulated among the team for review. (该文件在团队中传阅以便审核。)
- A lot of false information is circulated on social media. (在社交媒体上流传了很多虚假信息。)
- The virus can be easily circulated in crowded places. (病毒在拥挤的地方容易传播。)
- They circulated a petition to gather support for their cause. (他们发起请愿以争取支持他们的事业。)
- She circulated the news of her engagement to her family and friends. (她向家人和朋友传达了她订婚的消息。)
- The book has been widely circulated in schools and libraries. (这本书在学校和图书馆中广为流传。)
- Money is circulated throughout the country. (货币在全国范围内流通。)
- The memo was circulated to all employees. (备忘录已经发给所有员工了。)
- The newspaper is widely circulated. (这家报纸的发行量很大。)