1. leveling
英文释义:being or made level or flat
- leveling off:趋于平缓
- leveling rod:水准杆
近义词:flat, even, smooth
反义词:uneven, sloping
Leveling means gradually making a situation or the amounts or levels of something more equal.
The process of making something flat and even or of becoming flat and even.
- The workers are busy leveling the ground for the construction site.
- After the earthquake, the leveling of the buildings made the city look like a war zone.
1. leveling
英文释义:the act, process, or result of making something level or flat
- self-leveling:自动调平的
- leveling instrument:水准仪
近义词:flattening, smoothing
Leveling is the measurement of the height of different points on land using a levelling instrument.
The action or process of making something flat and even or the state of being flat and even.
- The leveling of the floor was necessary before installing the new carpet.
- Accurate leveling is crucial in construction projects.
- The ground needs leveling before we can start building the house.(在我们开始建房之前,地面需要进行平整。)
- The leveling of the playing field has made the competition fairer.(场地的平整使竞争更加公平。)
- They used a leveling instrument to measure the height of the hill.(他们使用了水准仪来测量山的高度。)
- After weeks of rain, the river has reached its leveling off point.(经过几周的雨水,河流已经达到平缓的点。)
- The leveling rod is used to determine the difference in elevation.(水准杆用于测量高差。)
- The leveling process will take several days to complete.(调平的过程需要几天才能完成。)
- They are using a self-leveling compound to create a smooth surface.(他们正在使用一种自动调平的混合物来制造平滑的表面。)
- The leveling of the road has improved the driving experience.(道路的平整改善了驾驶的体验。)
- Accurate leveling is crucial for accurate construction measurements.(精确的水准是准确测量建筑的关键。)
- The leveling off of prices has provided some relief for consumers.(价格的趋于平缓为消费者提供了一些缓解。)
- He used a leveling instrument to measure the difference in elevation.(他使用了水准仪来测量高度差。)
- The leveling of the playing field led to fairer competition.(场地的平整导致了更公平的竞争。)
- The leveling process requires careful attention to detail.(调平的过程需要仔细注意细节。)
- We need to do some leveling before we can lay the foundation.(在我们能够铺设基础之前,我们需要进行一些平整工作。)
- They are using a self-leveling compound to even out the floor.(他们正在使用一种自动调平的混合物来使地板变得平坦。)
- The leveling of the land will make it easier to build the road.(对地面的平整将使修建道路更容易。)
- Accurate leveling is necessary to ensure the stability of the structure.(精确的水准是确保结构稳定的必要条件。)
- The leveling off of the stock market has provided some relief for investors.(股市的趋于稳定为投资者提供了一些缓解。)
- They used a leveling rod to measure the height of the building.(他们使用了水准杆来测量建筑物的高度。)
- The leveling of the playing field created a fairer competition.(场地的平整创造了更公平的竞争。)
- The leveling process requires precision and accuracy.(调平的过程需要精确和准确。)