1. 绝缘的 - 英文定义:protected or covered with a material that prevents or reduces the passage, transfer, or leakage of heat, electricity, or sound. - 词语辨析:insulated与isolated(孤立的)有一定的相似之处,但insulated更强调通过覆盖材料来防止传导等的过程。 - 词汇扩充:insulation(名词,绝缘材料) - 近义词:isolated, shielded - 反义词:exposed, uncovered 2. 隔离的,与外界隔绝的 - 英文定义:protected or detached from the surroundings; isolated. - 词语辨析:这种意义上的insulated强调与外界隔绝,不受外界干扰。 - 词汇扩充:isolation(名词,隔离) - 近义词:secluded, isolated - 反义词:connected, integrated名词
1. 绝缘体 - 英文定义:a material or substance used for insulation. - 词汇扩充:insulator(名词,绝缘体) - 近义词:shield, barrier 2. 隔离,隔绝 - 英文定义:the act of isolating or separating something from others; isolation. - 词汇扩充:isolation(名词,隔离) - 近义词:separation, detachment - 反义词:connection, integration柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- 形容词:1. 绝缘的;2. 隔离的,与外界隔绝的 - 名词:1. 绝缘体;2. 隔离,隔绝牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- 形容词:1. 绝缘的,隔热的;2. 隔离的,隔绝的 - 名词:1. 绝缘材料;2. 隔离,隔绝用法
- Insulated作为形容词时,常用来描述被覆盖绝缘材料的物体,如绝缘电线、绝缘杯等。 - Insulated作为名词时,常用来指绝缘材料或隔离的行为。例句
- The house is well insulated, so it stays warm in winter and cool in summer. (这所房子绝缘效果很好,所以冬暖夏凉。)
- The insulated wire prevents electric current from escaping. (绝缘电线防止电流泄漏。)
- The insulated cup keeps my coffee hot for hours. (绝缘杯能保持我的咖啡数小时的热度。)
- She lives a highly insulated life, rarely interacting with others. (她过着与外界高度隔绝的生活,很少与他人互动。)
- The insulated room provides a quiet environment for studying. (这个隔音的房间为学习提供了一个安静的环境。)
- He feels insulated from the problems of the world. (他感觉自己与世界的问题隔绝开来。)
- The insulation on the electrical wires needs to be replaced. (电线上的绝缘层需要更换。)
- The insulation of the building keeps the noise out. (这座建筑的隔音效果能将噪音隔绝在外。)
- The insulation of the house is poor, causing high energy bills. (这所房子的保温效果很差,导致能源费用很高。)
- They used insulation to keep the heat inside the oven. (他们使用绝缘材料将热量保持在烤箱内部。)
- Her insulated lifestyle has made her unfamiliar with the realities of the world. (她与世隔绝的生活方式使她对世界的现实情况不熟悉。)
- The insulation of the wires prevents electric shock. (电线的绝缘层防止电击。)
- The insulated gloves protect the hands from extreme temperatures. (绝缘手套保护手部免受极端温度的伤害。)
- He felt insulated from the chaos of the city in his peaceful countryside retreat. (在他宁静的乡间避难所中,他感到与城市的混乱隔绝开来。)
- The insulation in the walls keeps the noise from traveling between rooms. (墙壁中的隔音材料阻止了噪音在房间之间的传播。)
- They decided to insulate their attic to improve energy efficiency. (他们决定给阁楼绝缘,以提高能源效率。)
- The insulation of the container ensures that the contents remain at a constant temperature. (容器的绝缘层确保内容物保持恒定的温度。)
- The insulated walls help to reduce heat loss in the building. (绝缘墙壁有助于减少建筑物的热量损失。)
- Proper insulation is essential for energy conservation. (适当的绝缘对于节约能源至关重要。)
- They installed insulated windows to reduce outside noise. (他们安装了隔音窗户以减少外部噪音。)
- The insulation of the wire prevents the risk of electric shock. (电线的绝缘层防止了触电的风险。)