《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)
originates (verb)
1. If something originates or originated in a particular place or at a particular time, it begins to exist or is created there.
His work originated from his interest in Russian literature. The idea originated in Germany.
2. If something originates from a particular source or person, it comes from that source or person.
The word 'piano' originates from the Italian word 'pianoforte'. The virus is thought to have originated in bats.
3. If an action or situation originates with someone or something, they cause it to happen or begin.
The directive originated with the President himself. Most of the problems originate with the management.
origination (noun)
1. The origination of something is the act or process of creating or starting it.
The origination of the theory of relativity
2. The origination of something is the place or time at which it begins or is created.
The origination of the species
3. The origination of something is the source from which it comes.
The origination of the universe
originative (adjective)
1. If you describe someone or their ideas as originative, you mean that they are able to think of or produce new or interesting things.
an originative mind an originative approach to problem-solving
《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionary)
originates (verb)
1. Have a specified beginning or cause.
The disease is believed to originate from the African continent. The idea originated in the late seventeenth century.
origination (noun)
1. The act of creating or initiating something.
The origination of the universe
2. The place or point of origin.
The origination of the Nile River
originative (adjective)
1. Having the ability to create original or inventive material.
an originative mind
1. originate from: 来源于
2. originate in: 起源于
3. originality: 创意,独创性
4. origin: 起源,出身
arise, commence, derive, emerge, spring, start
terminate, end, conclude, finish, cease
1. His work originates from his interest in Russian literature. (他的作品源于对俄罗斯文学的兴趣。)
2. The idea originated in Germany. (这个想法起源于德国。)
3. The word 'piano' originates from the Italian word 'pianoforte'. (单词“piano”源自意大利语中的“pianoforte”。)
4. The virus is thought to have originated in bats. (据信该病毒起源于蝙蝠。)
5. The directive originated with the President himself. (这项指令起初是由总统本人提出的。)
6. Most of the problems originate with the management. (大部分问题都起源于管理层。)
7. The origination of the theory of relativity. (相对论的创立)
8. The origination of the species. (物种的起源)
9. The origination of the universe. (宇宙的起源)
10. She has an originative mind, always coming up with new ideas. (她头脑富有创造力,总是能提出新的想法。)
11. The disease is believed to originate from the African continent. (据信这种疾病起源于非洲大陆。)
12. The idea originated in the late seventeenth century. (这个想法起源于17世纪末。)
13. The origination of the universe is still a topic of scientific investigation. (宇宙的起源仍然是科学研究的课题。)
14. The origination of the Nile River can be traced back to the Great Lakes region in East Africa. (尼罗河的起源可以追溯到东非的大湖地区。)
15. His originative mind enables him to come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. (他富有创意的头脑使他能够提出复杂问题的创新解决方案。)
16. The theory of evolution originates from Charles Darwin's observations and research. (进化论起源于查尔斯·达尔文的观察和研究。)
17. The rumor originated in a tabloid newspaper and quickly spread on social media. (这个谣言起源于一家小报,迅速在社交媒体上传播开来。)
18. The origination of this tradition can be traced back to ancient times. (这个传统的起源可以追溯到古代。)
19. The company's success originates from its innovative products and strong customer relationships. (公司的成功源于其创新的产品和良好的客户关系。)
20. The artist's inspiration originates in nature and the beauty of the natural world. (艺术家的灵感源自大自然和自然界的美。)