中英词典:ramp up
- 形容词:ramp-up - 逐步增加的,逐渐扩大的
- 名词:ramp-up - 逐步增加,逐渐扩大
ramp up 与 scale up 同义,表示逐步增加或扩大规模。
相关动词:increase, expand, grow
相关名词:escalation, enlargement, expansion
escalate, increase, intensify
decrease, reduce, diminish
ramp up (verb) If a company ramps up its operations or production, it increases them quickly or by large amounts.
ramp up (phrasal verb) Increase or cause to increase in amount, degree, or intensity.
ramp up 可用作及物动词或不及物动词,常与操作、生产等词连用,表示迅速或大幅度增加。
- We need to ramp up production to meet the increasing demand. (我们需要加大生产力以满足不断增长的需求。)
- The company plans to ramp up its marketing efforts in the coming months. (该公司计划在接下来的几个月加大营销力度。)
- They decided to ramp up their training program to improve employee skills. (他们决定加强培训计划,提高员工的技能。)
- In order to meet the deadline, we need to ramp up the pace of work. (为了满足截止日期,我们需要加快工作进度。)
- The government is planning to ramp up its efforts to combat climate change. (政府计划加大应对气候变化的努力。)
- The company is ramping up production in response to high demand. (该公司正在迅速增加产量以应对高需求。)
- We are gradually ramping up our operations in the new market. (我们正在逐步扩大在新市场的业务。)
- The factory needs to ramp up its capacity to fulfill the large order. (工厂需要增加产能来完成大订单。)
- They are ramping up their efforts to find a solution to the problem. (他们正在加大努力寻找解决问题的办法。)
- The company is planning to ramp up its investment in research and development. (该公司计划加大对研发的投入。)
- We need to ramp up our marketing campaign to reach a wider audience. (我们需要加大营销活动力度,以触达更广泛的受众。)
- With the holiday season approaching, the store is ramping up its inventory. (随着假日季节的临近,商店正在增加库存。)
- The government is ramping up efforts to improve healthcare services in rural areas. (政府正在加大力度改善农村地区的医疗服务。)
- The company is ramping up hiring to meet the growing demand for its products. (该公司正在加大招聘力度,以满足对其产品不断增长的需求。)
- The factory is ramping up production capacity by investing in new machinery. (工厂正在通过投资新设备来增加生产能力。)
- They decided to ramp up their advertising efforts to attract more customers. (他们决定加大广告投入以吸引更多顾客。)
- The company is ramping up its online presence to reach a wider market. (该公司正在扩大其在线存在,以触达更广阔的市场。)
- We need to ramp up our efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. (我们需要加大努力来减少碳排放并应对气候变化。)
- The government is ramping up security measures in response to the recent increase in crime. (政府正在加大安全措施以应对最近犯罪增加的情况。)
- The company is ramping up its customer support team to handle the growing number of inquiries. (该公司正在加大客户支持团队以处理日益增长的询问数量。)
- They are ramping up their efforts to develop new technologies and stay ahead of the competition. (他们正在加大努力开发新技术,以保持领先地位。)