中英词典 - "spared"
1. spared [形容词]:被饶恕的,被宽恕的2. spared [形容词]:被放过的,被留下的
3. spared [形容词]:被节约的,被省下的
1. spare [名词]:备用品,备件2. spare [名词]:剩余的时间,空闲时间
3. spare [名词]:备用轮胎
- “spared”和“spare”都可以表示“被饶恕的”,但“spared”更常用于被动语态。- “spared”和“spare”在表示“备用品”时可以互换使用。
- spare part [名词]:零件- spare tire [名词]:备胎
- spare time [名词]:空闲时间
- spare change [名词]:零钱
forgiven, pardoned, excused, exempted, released反义词(Antonyms):
punished, condemned, penalized, blamed, held accountable柯林斯词典翻译:
spared [形容词]:1. 被饶恕的,被宽恕的
2. 被放过的,被留下的
3. 被节约的,被省下的
spared [形容词]:1. 被饶恕的,被宽恕的
2. 被放过的,被留下的
3. 被节约的,被省下的
- I was spared from punishment.(我被免于惩罚。)- The soldiers were spared by the enemy.(士兵们被敌人放过。)
- He spared no effort to help his friend.(他不遗余力地帮助他的朋友。)
- She spared some time to visit her grandparents.(她抽出一些时间去看望她的祖父母。)
1. The criminal was spared from the death penalty due to lack of evidence.(由于缺乏证据,该罪犯免于死刑。)2. I'm grateful that my boss spared me from working late tonight.(我感激我的老板今晚让我不用加班。)
3. The company spared no expense in order to provide the best facilities for its employees.(为了给员工提供最好的设施,公司不惜一切代价。)
4. He spared a few minutes to have a quick chat with his colleague.(他抽出几分钟与同事进行了一个快速的交谈。)
5. The CEO spared no words in expressing his disappointment with the team's performance.(CEO毫不客气地表达了对团队表现的失望。)
6. The hurricane caused extensive damage, but luckily our house was spared.(飓风造成了广泛的破坏,但幸运的是我们的房子没有受到影响。)
7. The government spared no effort in providing aid to the victims of the natural disaster.(政府不遗余力地为自然灾害的受害者提供援助。)
8. The teacher spared no praise for the students' hard work.(老师对学生们的辛勤努力毫不吝啬地给予了赞扬。)
9. The defendant was spared a prison sentence and instead given community service.(被告免于刑期,而是被判执行社区服务。)
10. She spared a thought for those less fortunate than herself.(她关心那些不如她自己幸运的人。)
11. The chef spared no ingredient in creating his signature dish.(这位厨师在制作他的招牌菜时一样都没有省。)
12. He spared some money each month to save for a vacation.(他每个月都省下一些钱用来度假。)
13. The diplomat's life was spared in the terrorist attack.(这位外交官在恐怖袭击中幸免于难。)
14. She spared no expense in renovating her new house.(她在装修新房子时不惜一切代价。)
15. The team captain was spared from the penalty due to a foul.(由于犯规,队长免于罚球。)
16. The company spared no resources in launching its new product.(该公司投入了大量资源推出新产品。)
17. The artist spared no detail in creating his masterpiece.(这位艺术家在创作他的杰作时没有忽视任何细节。)
18. He spared no effort to make his wife's birthday special.(他不遗余力地让妻子的生日变得特别。)
19. The surgeon spared no time in preparing for the complicated operation.(这位外科医生在为复杂手术做准备时没有浪费任何时间。)
20. The criminal's life was spared after his lawyer presented new evidence.(在他的律师提供新证据后,这名罪犯的生命得以幸免。)