1. 明亮的;光明的
【词汇扩充】:brightness(n. 亮度)
【近义词】:shining, radiant
【反义词】:dark, dim
【柯林斯词典】:brightside (adj.) - characterized by the presence of light; full of light or shining
【牛津词典】:brightside (adj.) - giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining
【用法】:The brightside of the room is illuminated by the morning sun.
1. 积极的一面;好的方面
【词汇扩充】:brighten (v. 使变得积极、有益)
【近义词】:advantage, benefit
【反义词】:downside, disadvantage
【柯林斯词典】:brightside (n.) - the positive or favourable aspect of something
【牛津词典】:brightside (n.) - the positive or beneficial aspect of a situation
【用法】:Looking on the brightside of things can help improve your mood.
- The room was filled with brightside lights and colorful decorations. (房间里灯火辉煌,装饰五彩缤纷。)
- She always looks on the brightside of life, even during difficult times. (即使在困难时期,她总是对生活持乐观态度。)
- I prefer to focus on the brightside rather than dwell on the negatives. (我更喜欢关注积极的一面,而不是沉湎于消极。)
- Despite the challenges, there is always a brightside to every situation. (尽管面临挑战,每个情况总会有积极的一面。)
- He has a brightside personality that attracts people to him. (他拥有一种积极向上的个性,吸引着人们对他的青睐。)
- Looking at the brightside, we can learn from our mistakes and grow. (看到积极的一面,我们可以从错误中学习并成长。)
- She always finds the brightside in every situation, no matter how difficult. (无论情况多么困难,她总能找到积极的一面。)
- Try to focus on the brightside and appreciate the good things in life. (努力关注积极的一面,欣赏生活中美好的事物。)
- There is a brightside to every challenge, as it provides an opportunity for growth. (每个挑战都有积极的一面,因为它提供了成长的机会。)
- Despite the setbacks, she always manages to see the brightside. (尽管遭遇挫折,她总能看到积极的一面。)
- He approached the situation with a brightside attitude, seeking solutions rather than dwelling on problems. (他以积极的态度对待这种情况,寻求解决办法而不是沉湎于问题。)
- Even in the darkest times, there is always a brightside waiting to be discovered. (即使在最黑暗的时刻,总有一个等待被发现的积极的一面。)
- She finds joy in focusing on the brightside of life. (她从关注生活的积极的一面中找到了快乐。)
- Looking at the brightside can help improve your overall perspective on life. (看到积极的一面可以帮助改善你对生活的整体看法。)
- He always tries to find the brightside, even in the most challenging situations. (即使在最具挑战性的情况下,他也总是努力寻找积极的一面。)
- Despite the difficulties, she remains optimistic and looks on the brightside. (尽管困难重重,她仍然保持乐观,并且看到积极的一面。)
- Looking on the brightside can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being. (看到积极的一面可以帮助减轻压力,改善心理健康。)
- Always remember to focus on the brightside, even in the face of adversity. (即使面对逆境,也要记得关注积极的一面。)
- She has a natural ability to see the brightside in any situation. (她有一种天生的能力,可以在任何情况下看到积极的一面。)
- He believes that there is always a brightside, even in the most challenging circumstances. (他相信即使在最具挑战性的情况下,总会有积极的一面。)
- Despite the setbacks, they continue to look on the brightside and work towards their goals. (尽管遭遇挫折,他们仍然看到积极的一面,并努力实现自己的目标。)