1. 有偏见的;偏见性的
2. 不公正的;不公平的
1. 偏见;偏见行为
2. 歧视;歧视行为
prejudices 和 bias 都表示对某人或某事物的不公正评价。prejudices 指固有的、摆脱不掉的、常常带有情感色彩的看法;bias 指某人对某事物的偏爱或偏见,这种偏见可以是有意的,也可以是无意的。
1. racial prejudices 种族偏见
2. gender prejudices 性别偏见
3. religious prejudices 宗教偏见
4. social prejudices 社会偏见
1. bias
2. discrimination
3. bigotry
4. intolerance
1. fairness
2. impartiality
3. acceptance
4. tolerance
1. If someone has a prejudice against someone or something, they have an unreasonable dislike of them.
2. Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things, or a preference for one group of people or things over another.
3. If you do something without prejudice to a particular thing, you do it without harming or affecting that thing.
1. Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
2. Harm or injury that results or may result from some action or judgement.
3. Give rise to prejudice in (someone); make biased.
1. She has deep-seated prejudices against people from different cultures.
2. The jury's decision was based on prejudice rather than evidence.
3. The company aims to recruit without prejudice to age, gender, or race.
- His prejudices prevent him from accepting new ideas. (他的偏见阻碍了他接受新观点。)
- She is prejudiced against people who are overweight. (她对超重的人有偏见。)
- I try to approach each situation without prejudice. (我努力在面对每个情况时保持无偏见。)
- The judge reminded the jury to make their decision without prejudice. (法官提醒陪审团在作出决定时不要带有偏见。)
- His prejudices are deeply ingrained and difficult to change. (他的偏见根深蒂固,很难改变。)
- They faced discrimination and prejudice because of their religious beliefs. (由于他们的宗教信仰,他们面临歧视和偏见。)
- She overcame her prejudices and learned to appreciate different cultures. (她克服了自己的偏见,并学会了欣赏不同的文化。)
- The article explores the prejudices that exist within society. (这篇文章探讨了社会中存在的偏见。)
- His actions were motivated by racial prejudice. (他的行为是基于种族偏见的动机。)
- They refused to rent her the apartment because of their prejudice against single mothers. (由于对单身母亲的偏见,他们拒绝把公寓租给她。)
- She was a victim of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace. (她在工作场所成为偏见和歧视的受害者。)
- The school aims to educate children about the dangers of prejudice. (学校旨在教育孩子们了解偏见的危害。)
- His narrow-mindedness and prejudice prevent him from seeing the truth. (他的狭隘和偏见阻止他看到真相。)
- She was treated with prejudice because of her unconventional lifestyle. (由于她不寻常的生活方式,她受到了偏见的对待。)
- He overcame his own prejudices and became an advocate for equality. (他克服了自己的偏见,成为平等的倡导者。)
- The law prohibits discrimination and prejudice based on race or religion. (法律禁止基于种族或宗教的歧视和偏见。)
- The interview process was conducted without prejudice to age or gender. (面试过程不考虑年龄或性别进行。)
- His prejudices cloud his judgement and prevent him from seeing the truth. (他的偏见使他的判断模糊,阻止他看到真相。)
- She faced prejudice and bias in her pursuit of a career in a male-dominated field. (在追求男性主导领域的职业生涯中,她面临着偏见和偏爱。)
- The novel explores the themes of prejudice and discrimination in society. (这本小说探讨了社会中的偏见和歧视主题。)
- She challenged the prejudices of society and fought for equality. (她挑战了社会的偏见,为平等而战。)