caregivers [ˈkerˌɡɪvərz] (复数形式) 1. 看护人员;照顾者;护理员形容词
1. caretaker 2. guardian 3. nanny 4. nurse 5. babysitter反义词
caregiver (名词) 1. A caregiver is a person who is responsible for looking after someone who is young, old, or ill.牛津词典
caregiver (名词) 1. A person who provides care for the sick, elderly, or disabled.用法
Caregivers is commonly used as a plural noun to refer to individuals who provide care and support to others who are unable to care for themselves, such as the sick, elderly, or disabled. It can also be used as a general term to describe anyone who takes care of another person's well-being.相关例句
- Many caregivers struggle to balance their own needs with the needs of those they care for. (许多照顾者在平衡自己的需求和被照顾者的需求之间感到困难。)
- The caregivers at the nursing home provide round-the-clock care for the residents. (养老院的照顾者为居民提供全天候的护理。)
- She works as a caregiver for a family with three young children. (她在一户有三个小孩的家庭中担任照顾者。)
- As a caregiver, it is important to prioritize self-care to prevent burnout. (作为照顾者,重视自我保健以防止精疲力竭是很重要的。)
- The role of a caregiver often involves administering medication and assisting with daily activities. (照顾者的角色通常涉及给药和协助日常活动。)
- He quit his job to become a full-time caregiver for his elderly mother. (他辞掉工作,成为他年迈母亲的全职照顾者。)
- Many caregivers find support and guidance through caregiver support groups. (许多照顾者通过照顾者支持小组找到支持和指导。)
- Being a caregiver can be emotionally and physically demanding. (作为照顾者可能在情感和身体上都很辛苦。)
- She has dedicated her life to being a caregiver for children with special needs. (她把自己的生命献给了照顾有特殊需求的儿童。)
- The role of a caregiver requires patience, empathy, and compassion. (照顾者的角色需要耐心、同理心和同情心。)
- Many caregivers experience feelings of guilt and stress due to the demands of their role. (许多照顾者由于角色的要求而感到内疚和压力。)
- He hired a professional caregiver to assist with his father's daily care. (他雇了一名专业照顾者来协助照顾他父亲的日常生活。)
- She juggles her responsibilities as a caregiver with her own personal and professional commitments. (她在照顾者的责任和个人、职业承诺之间进行平衡。)
- Caregivers play a vital role in supporting the well-being of those in their care. (照顾者在支持被照顾者的幸福感方面起着至关重要的作用。)
- Many caregivers experience feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction from their caregiving role. (许多照顾者从照顾角色中获得满足感和满足感。)
- She has been a caregiver for over 10 years and has developed a deep bond with the person she cares for. (她已经做了十多年的照顾者,并与她照顾的人建立了深厚的关系。)
- Caregivers often face challenges in balancing their caregiving responsibilities with other aspects of their lives. (照顾者在平衡照顾责任与生活的其他方面时常面临挑战。)
- He relies on a team of caregivers to provide the necessary support for his daily activities. (他依靠一组照顾者来为他的日常活动提供必要的支持。)
- The role of a caregiver can be emotionally rewarding, but also emotionally draining. (照顾者的角色可以在情感上给予回报,但也会消耗情感。)
- She is a compassionate and dedicated caregiver who always puts the needs of others first. (她是一位充满同情心和敬业精神的照顾者,总是把他人的需求放在第一位。)
- Many caregivers find it beneficial to seek respite care to take a break from their caregiving duties. (许多照顾者发现寻求暂时照顾对他们从照顾职责中休息很有好处。)