1. (informal) 不诚实的;欺骗的 2. (British, slang) 廉价的;劣质的名词
1. (informal) 骗子;欺骗者 2. (British, slang) 廉价货;劣质货词语辨析
- cheat (verb): 欺骗;作弊 - cheater (noun): 骗子;欺骗者 - cheap (adjective): 廉价的;便宜的 - inferior (adjective): 劣质的;次等的近义词
- dishonest: 不诚实的 - fraudulent: 欺诈的 - deceitful: 欺骗的 - swindler: 骗子 - imposter: 冒充者反义词
- honest: 诚实的 - genuine: 真实的 - premium: 高品质的柯林斯词典
- 暂无相关信息。牛津词典
- 暂无相关信息。用法
- He is a cheaton businessman who always deceives his customers. (他是一个总是欺骗顾客的不诚实商人。) - Don't buy that product, it's just a cheaton imitation. (别买那个产品,那只是一个劣质的仿制品。)例句
- She realized he was a cheaton gambler and decided to end their relationship. (她意识到他是一个欺骗的赌徒,决定结束他们的关系。)
- He sold me a cheaton watch that stopped working after a week. (他卖给我一块劣质的手表,一个星期后就停了。)
- Don't trust him, he's a cheaton salesman who will say anything to make a sale. (别相信他,他是一个为了销售而什么都会说的骗子销售员。)
- She was disappointed when she realized the designer bag she bought was just a cheaton. (她意识到她买的那个设计师手袋只是个廉价货时,感到失望。)
- The company was accused of producing cheaton products that were harmful to consumers. (该公司被指控生产对消费者有害的劣质产品。)
- He used cheaton tactics to win the game, but everyone saw through his deceit. (他使用了欺骗手段赢得比赛,但每个人都看穿了他的欺诈。)
- She felt cheated when she found out the hotel room she booked was cheaton and didn't match the description. (她发现她预订的酒店房间是劣质的,与描述不符时,感到受骗。)
- The cheaton politician promised to lower taxes, but never followed through on his promises. (那个不诚实的政客承诺降低税收,但从未兑现承诺。)
- He was known for his cheaton behavior, constantly lying and manipulating others for personal gain. (他以其不诚实行为而闻名,为了个人利益而不断撒谎和操纵他人。)
- She refused to buy cheaton clothes, preferring to invest in quality garments. (她拒绝购买劣质的衣服,更愿意投资高品质的服装。)
- After being fooled by a cheaton contractor, he learned the importance of researching and hiring trustworthy professionals. (在被一个欺骗性的承包商欺骗后,他意识到研究和雇佣值得信赖的专业人员的重要性。)
- His cheaton tactics in the negotiation resulted in a deal that was unfair to the other party. (他在谈判中使用的欺骗手段导致了一项对对方不公平的交易。)
- She regretted buying the cheaton version of the product, as it broke after just a few uses. (她后悔购买了劣质版本的产品,因为它在使用几次后就坏了。)
- The cheaton nature of his actions was exposed when his lies were uncovered. (当他的谎言被揭穿时,他的欺骗行为的本质暴露了出来。)
- The company faced a lawsuit for selling cheaton goods that caused harm to consumers. (该公司因销售对消费者有害的劣质商品而面临诉讼。)
- She warned her friends about the cheaton website that scammed people out of their money. (她警告朋友们要小心那个骗人财物的劣质网站。)
- He was disappointed to find out that his new car was cheaton and had numerous mechanical problems. (他发现他的新车是劣质的,有很多机械问题,感到失望。)
- The cheaton salesman used false advertising to trick customers into buying their low-quality products. (那个骗子销售员使用虚假广告欺骗顾客购买他们的低质量产品。)
- She felt cheated when she discovered that the cheaton jewelry she bought was not made of real gold. (当她发现她买的劣质珠宝不是真金时,她感到受骗。)
- He was notorious for his cheaton business practices, often taking advantage of vulnerable individuals. (他以其不诚实的商业行为臭名昭著,经常利用弱势群体。)
- They were disappointed by the cheaton service they received at the restaurant, with rude staff and subpar food. (他们对在餐厅受到的劣质服务感到失望,工作人员粗鲁,食物质量也不佳。)