1. 表示事物具有地方特色的
- 中文翻译:本地化的,地方化的
- 英文翻译:localized
2. 表示疾病或病变在某一特定部位发生的
- 中文翻译:局限的,局部的
- 英文翻译:localized
1. 表示本地化的事物或现象
- 中文翻译:本地化,地方化
- 英文翻译:localization
2. 表示疾病或病变的局限部位
- 中文翻译:局部,局限部位
- 英文翻译:localization
1. localized infection: 局部感染
2. localized pain: 局部疼痛
3. localized weather forecast: 地方天气预报
4. localized marketing strategy: 地方化营销策略
specific, regional, particular
generalized, widespread, universal
localized (adj.): If a disease or medical condition is localized, it is found in one part of someone's body. If a feeling or a quality is localized, it is found only in one particular place or part of something.
localized (adj.): Restricted or limited to a particular area or part.
1. The company has developed a localized version of the software specifically for the Chinese market.
2. The doctor determined that the infection was localized to the patient's hand.
3. The localized pain in my shoulder has been bothering me for weeks.
4. The government has implemented a localized approach to address the specific needs of each region.
1. The company is expanding its business with a localized strategy to better serve the local customers. 该公司正在扩大业务,采用本地化策略以更好地服务本地客户。
2. The localized outbreak of the virus has been quickly contained by the health authorities. 卫生部门迅速控制住了病毒的局部暴发。
3. The localized flooding caused many roads to be closed in the affected areas. 局部的洪水导致许多道路在受灾地区关闭。
4. The localized pain in my knee makes it difficult to walk. 我膝盖的局部疼痛使我难以行走。
5. The localized marketing campaign focused on promoting the product to the specific demographic in the region. 这次地方化的营销活动专注于向该地区特定人群推广产品。
6. The localized version of the film includes scenes that were shot exclusively for the international release. 该电影的本地化版本包括专门为国际发行而拍摄的场景。
7. The localized infection in his toe required immediate medical attention. 他脚趾的局部感染需要立即就医。
8. The localized weather forecast predicts heavy rain in the coastal areas. 地方天气预报预测沿海地区会有大雨。
9. The localized approach to education takes into account the cultural differences of each region. 地方化的教育方法考虑了每个地区的文化差异。
10. The localized software includes language options specific to different countries. 该本地化软件包括针对不同国家的语言选项。
11. The localized festival celebrates the unique traditions and customs of the local community. 这个地方化的节日庆祝当地社区的独特传统和风俗。
12. The localized pain in her back prevented her from participating in the sports competition. 她背部的局部疼痛使她无法参加运动比赛。
13. The localized damage caused by the storm was extensive, with many homes and buildings destroyed. 风暴造成的局部破坏十分严重,许多房屋和建筑物都被摧毁。
14. The localized solution to the problem may not be applicable in a broader context. 这个问题的局部解决方案可能在更广泛的背景下不适用。
15. The localized outbreak of violence has raised concerns about the safety of the neighborhood. 暴力的局部暴发引发了对社区安全的担忧。
16. The localized production of goods helps to reduce transportation costs and carbon emissions. 产品的本地化生产有助于降低运输成本和碳排放。
17. The localized marketing campaign resulted in a significant increase in sales in the targeted region. 地方化的营销活动导致了目标地区销售额的大幅增长。
18. The localized design of the website incorporates cultural elements that resonate with the local audience. 网站的本地化设计融入了与本地受众共鸣的文化元素。
19. The localized version of the book includes footnotes that provide additional context for the readers. 这本书的本地化版本包括脚注,为读者提供了额外的背景信息。
20. The localized approach to language learning involves incorporating local slang and expressions into the curriculum. 语言学习的地方化方法涉及将当地俚语和表达式纳入课程。