1. taxed与tired的区别:taxed强调心力交瘁,而tired则指身体或精神疲劳。
2. taxed与burdened的区别:taxed强调因负担过重而疲劳,而burdened则指负担过重。
1. tax(动词):征税,使负重担
2. taxation(名词):课税,税务
3. taxpayer(名词):纳税人
4. taxman(名词):税务官员
5. taxability(名词):纳税性
6. taxonomic(形容词):分类学的
1. burdened:负担过重的
2. fatigued:疲劳的
3. exhausted:筋疲力尽的
4. weary:疲倦的
1. refreshed:精神焕发的
2. energized:精力充沛的
3. invigorated:恢复活力的
1. 形容词taxed:If you feel taxed, you feel tired and unable to deal with things that you have to do.
2. 名词taxed:A taxed activity or resource is one that is taxed by a government, usually by means of a tax on the money that people earn from it.
1. 形容词taxed:Burdened with demands; heavily affected.
2. 名词taxed:The revenue received from taxation.
1. I feel so taxed after working for 12 hours straight.(连续工作12小时后,我感到非常疲惫。)
2. The company's profits are heavily taxed.(公司的利润被征收重税。)
3. She was taxed with the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings.(她被负以照顾弟妹的责任。)
4. The taxed resources of the country cannot support the proposed project.(该国的资源负担不起这个提议的项目。)
5. The constant demands of her job left her feeling mentally taxed.(工作的持续压力让她感到精神疲劳。)
6. The taxed citizens protested against the increase in income tax.(纳税人抗议增加所得税。)
7. After a long day of physical labor, he was physically and mentally taxed.(经过一整天的体力劳动,他身心俱疲。)
8. The government introduced new tax regulations to target heavily taxed industries.(政府出台新的税收法规,针对高税收行业。)
9. The burden of taxes on small businesses is becoming increasingly problematic.(对小企业的税负越来越成问题。)
10. The company's profits were reduced due to high tax rates.(高税率导致公司的利润减少。)
11. Don't burden yourself with unnecessary responsibilities.(不要让自己背负不必要的责任。)
12. She was too fatigued to continue working on the project.(她疲惫不堪,无法继续处理这个项目。)
13. The exhausted hikers finally reached the mountain peak.(筋疲力尽的徒步旅行者终于到达山顶。)
14. Weary after a long journey, he immediately went to bed.(长途旅行后,他疲倦不堪,立刻上床睡觉。)
15. After a good night's sleep, she felt refreshed and ready to tackle the day.(经过一晚上的好眠,她感到精神焕发,准备应对新的一天。)
16. The energized team worked efficiently to complete the project ahead of schedule.(精力充沛的团队高效地完成了提前的项目。)
17. The invigorated runner sprinted to the finish line.(状态良好的跑者冲刺至终点线。)
18. Taxation on imported goods has increased significantly.(进口商品的税收增加了很多。)
19. The taxpayer was required to submit all relevant financial documents.(纳税人需要提交所有相关的财务文件。)
20. The taxman audited his accounts to ensure accurate reporting.(税务官员对他的账目进行了审计,以确保准确报告。)