形容词:confounding 1. 含义: - 迷惑的;使人困惑的 - 混淆的;混杂的 - 混淆因素的;干扰的 2. 词语辨析: - confounding与confused的区别:confounding强调因为混杂或混淆而导致困惑;confused强调感到糊涂或不知所措。 3. 词汇扩充: - confoundingly:副词,用以表示强调 - confoundedly:副词,用以表示强调 4. 近义词: - perplexing - bewildering - puzzling - baffling - mystifying 5. 反义词: - clear - understandable - evident - obvious 6. 柯林斯词典定义: 形容词: If you describe something as confounding, you mean it is confusing and difficult to understand or explain. 名词: Confounding is a factor or phenomenon that complicates the measurement of an association or the interpretation of data because of its association with the exposure and outcome of interest. 7. 牛津词典定义: 形容词: Cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by acting against their expectations. 名词: The action of making a situation more confused or less easy to understand.用法
- confounding + noun - confounding + verb-ing例句
- The results of the experiment were confounding and difficult to interpret. (实验的结果令人困惑,难以解释。)
- The confounding factors in the study made it challenging to determine the true cause of the observed effects. (研究中的混淆因素使得确定观察到的效果的真实原因变得困难。)
- Her confounding behavior left everyone puzzled. (她令人困惑的行为让每个人都感到困惑。)
- The confounding results of the survey raised more questions than answers. (调查的令人困惑的结果带来了更多问题而不是答案。)
- The confounding variables need to be controlled in order to obtain accurate results. (需要控制混淆变量以获得准确的结果。)
- The confounding influence of the media on public opinion cannot be underestimated. (媒体对公众舆论的混淆影响不容忽视。)
- The confounding noise made it difficult to hear the speaker. (混杂的噪音使得听到演讲者的声音变得困难。)
- The confounding data led the researchers to question their initial hypothesis. (混淆的数据使得研究人员对他们最初的假设产生了疑问。)
- The confounding factors were taken into account during the analysis of the results. (在结果分析中考虑了混淆因素。)
- The confounding nature of the problem made it difficult to find a solution. (问题的混杂性使得找到解决方案变得困难。)
- The confounding effect of the medication on the patient's symptoms was unexpected. (药物对患者症状的混淆效应是意外的。)
- He was confounded by her unexpected reaction. (她意外的反应使他感到困惑。)
- The confounding variables were carefully controlled in the experimental design. (在实验设计中,混淆变量得到了仔细控制。)
- The confounding evidence made it difficult to determine the true cause of the accident. (混淆的证据使得确定事故的真正原因变得困难。)
- The confounding results of the study raised doubts about the accuracy of the findings. (研究的混淆结果对研究结果的准确性产生了怀疑。)
- The confounding relationship between the variables complicated the analysis. (变量之间的混淆关系使得分析变得复杂。)
- The confounding influence of personal bias needs to be minimized in scientific research. (科学研究中需要将个人偏见的混淆影响降到最低。)
- The confounding noise from the construction site disrupted the peace of the neighborhood. (来自建筑工地的噪音打破了社区的宁静。)
- The confounding results of the experiment challenged the existing theories. (实验的混淆结果对现有理论提出了挑战。)
- The confounding variables were statistically controlled for in the data analysis. (在数据分析中对混淆变量进行了统计控制。)
- The confounding factors in the study were addressed through a multivariate analysis. (通过多变量分析解决了研究中的混淆因素。)