形容词: - 1. 惊愕的,震惊的(feeling or showing great surprise or amazement)[来源]: - 例句:I was astounded by the news of her sudden death.(我对她突然去世的消息感到惊愕。) - 同义词:amazed, astonished, surprised, stunned - 反义词:unimpressed, unsurprised - 2. 使人吃惊的,令人震惊的(causing great surprise or amazement)[来源]: - 例句:The magician's performance was truly astounding.
(魔术师的表演真是令人吃惊。) - 同义词:astonishing, amazing, staggering - 反义词:ordinary, unremarkable 名词: - 1. 惊讶,震惊(a feeling of great surprise or amazement)[来源]: - 例句:Her face reflected her astounded at the unexpected news.
(她的脸上显露出对这个意外消息的震惊。) - 同义词:amazement, astonishment - 2. 令人惊讶的事物(something that astonishes or amazes)[来源]: - 例句:The fireworks display was an astounded of light and color.
- astounded, amazed, astonished, surprised, stunned - 这些形容词都表示感到或表现出极大的惊讶或惊奇的情感。它们的区别在于程度和语气上的细微差别。 - astounded:最常用于表示强烈的、超乎寻常的惊讶,通常伴随着难以置信的感觉。 - amazed:表示感到非常惊讶,但不一定伴随着不可思议的感觉。 - astonished:强调由于突然发生的事情或新发现而感到惊讶。 - surprised:一般的惊讶,表示因为某件事情与自己的预期不符而感到惊讶。 - stunned:表示因为突然而强烈的感触而感到惊讶,常常伴随着暂时的失声或发呆。词汇扩充:
- astoundingly:令人震惊地,令人惊讶地 - astoundingness:令人惊讶的事物 - astoundment:惊愕,震惊近义词:
- amazed:惊讶的,吃惊的 - astonished:惊讶的,吃惊的 - surprised:惊讶的,感到吃惊的 - stunned:目瞪口呆的,吃惊的 - flabbergasted:大吃一惊的反义词:
- unimpressed:未受感动的,不为所动的 - unsurprised:未感到惊讶的,不惊奇的柯林斯词典解释:
astounded (adj.)1. If you are astounded by something, you are very shocked or surprised that it could exist or happen.
(如果你对某事感到震惊,你对其存在或发生感到非常震惊或惊讶。) 2. If you are astounded, you feel a sudden wonder or amazement.
astounded (adj.)1. Shocked or greatly surprised.
- astounded by/at something:对某事感到震惊/惊奇 - astounded that:对...感到震惊/惊奇相关例句:
- I was astounded by the news of her sudden death.(我对她突然去世的消息感到惊愕。)
- He was astounded at how quickly she had learned to play the piano.(他对她学习弹钢琴的速度感到惊讶。)
- The magician's performance was truly astounding.(魔术师的表演真是令人吃惊。)
- The audience gave an astounded gasp as the acrobat performed a dangerous stunt.(当杂技演员表演危险的特技时,观众发出了惊奇的喘息声。)
- I watched in astounded as the car suddenly disappeared.(我惊愕地看着汽车突然消失了。)
- The astounded expression on his face was priceless.(他脸上的惊讶表情是无价的。)
- Her astounded at the beauty of the sunset was evident in her wide-eyed stare.(她眼睛睁得大大的凝视表明她对日落的美感到惊愕。)
- He received an astounded of applause for his incredible performance.(他因出色的表演而获得了一阵掌声。)
- The discovery of the ancient ruins was an astounded for the archaeologists.(古代遗迹的发现对考古学家来说是一个惊奇的发现。)
- The astounded that she was chosen as the winner of the competition.(她对自己被选为比赛的获胜者感到惊讶。)
- We were astounded by the amount of work they had accomplished in such a short time.(他们在如此短的时间内完成了如此多的工作,令我们感到惊讶。)
- She opened the present with an astounded expression on her face.(她带着惊愕的表情打开了礼物。)
- The astounded onlookers couldn't believe what they were seeing.(观看的人惊讶地无法相信他们所看到的。)
- Her talent for painting astounded everyone who saw her artwork.(她的绘画才华令看到她作品的每个人都感到惊讶。)
- I am astounded by the level of corruption in this government.(我对这个政府的腐败程度感到惊愕。)
- He was astounded to find out that he had won the lottery.(他得知自己中了彩票,感到非常惊讶。)
- The astounded at the beauty of the mountain scenery was shared by everyone on the hike.(大家在徒步旅行中都对山水美景感到惊奇。)
- The news of his promotion left him astounded.(他被晋升的消息让他感到震惊。)
- The astounded expressions on their faces said it all.(他们脸上的惊讶表情说明了一切。)
- She was astounded that her favorite singer was performing at the concert.(她对她最喜欢的歌手在音乐会上演出感到惊讶。)