grinder [名词]
- 砂轮
- 磨光机
- 研磨者
- 切肉机
- 磨床
- 研磨工
grinder [形容词]
- 磨碎的
- 磨削的
grinder 和其他类似的词汇
grinder 和 mill 都是指用于磨削或研磨的设备,但grinder 更常用于手持式或小型磨削设备,而mill 则指工业生产中的大型磨削设备。
与grinder 相关的词汇
- angle grinder:角磨机
- coffee grinder:咖啡磨豆机
- meat grinder:绞肉机
- pepper grinder:胡椒研磨器
- bench grinder:台式砂轮机
- mill
- grater
- shredder
- crusher
- pulverizer
- whole
- entire
- unbroken
- intact
grinder [名词]
A grinder is a machine or tool for sharpening, smoothing, or polishing the surface of something.
grinder [名词]
A grinder is a machine for crushing coffee beans and other food.
grinder [名词]
A grinder is a person who grinds something, especially grain, into flour.
grinder [名词]
A grinder is a machine used for grinding.
grinder [名词]
A machine used for grinding something.
grinder [名词]
A person who grinds something, especially grain, into flour.
grinder [名词]
A machine used for grinding, which is a type of machining using an abrasive wheel as the cutting tool.
grinder [名词]
A machine used for grinding coffee.
grinder [名词]
A machine used for grinding, which is a type of machining using an abrasive wheel as the cutting tool.
以下是grinder 这个词的一些常见用法示例:
- I need to use a grinder to sharpen my kitchen knives.(我需要用磨刀器来磨快我的厨刀。)
- He bought a new coffee grinder to prepare freshly ground coffee.(他买了一台新的咖啡研磨机来制备新鲜研磨的咖啡。)
- The flour was produced by a stone grinder.(这种面粉是由石磨机加工而成的。)
- The meat grinder is used to mince the meat.(这台绞肉机用于把肉磨碎。)
- I used a grinder to smooth the rough edges of the metal.(我用砂轮机把金属的粗糙边缘磨平。)
- She ground the coffee beans in a grinder and made a fresh pot of coffee.(她用咖啡磨豆机磨碎咖啡豆,做了一壶新鲜的咖啡。)
- The meat grinder is a useful tool in the kitchen for grinding meat.(绞肉机是厨房里研磨肉类的有用工具。)
- He works as a grinder in a factory, grinding metal parts for assembly.(他在一家工厂做研磨工,为装配磨光金属零件。)
- The angle grinder is a versatile tool that can be used for cutting and grinding.(角磨机是一种多功能工具,可用于切割和研磨。)
- She bought a new bench grinder for her workshop.(她给她的车间买了一台新的台式砂轮机。)
- The pepper grinder is used to grind fresh pepper onto the food.(胡椒研磨器用于将新鲜的胡椒粉撒在食物上。)
- The carpenter used a grinder to shape the wooden sculpture.(木匠使用砂轮机来塑造木制雕塑。)
- I need to replace the grinding wheel on the grinder.(我需要更换砂轮机上的砂轮。)
- He enjoys the aroma of freshly ground coffee from his coffee grinder.(他喜欢从他的咖啡研磨机中闻到新鲜研磨咖啡的香气。)
- The meat grinder can handle large quantities of meat in a short time.(这台绞肉机可以在短时间内处理大量的肉类。)
- The grinder is powered by an electric motor.(这台研磨机由电动机提供动力。)
- The chef used a grinder to crush the spices for the curry.(厨师用研磨机研磨香料制作咖喱。)
- He works as a grinder in a factory, operating heavy machinery.(他在一家工厂做研磨工,操作重型机械。)
- The grinder is equipped with various abrasive wheels for different tasks.(这台砂轮机配备了各种不同用途的砂轮。)
- She uses a grinder to sharpen her art pencils.(她用砂轮机来磨快她的美术铅笔。)
- The meat grinder can be adjusted to different levels of fineness.(这台绞肉机可以调节至不同的细腻度。)
- He is known as a skilled grinder who can handle complex machining tasks.(他被誉为一名熟练的研磨工,可以处理复杂的机械加工任务。)
- The grinder produces a loud noise when in operation.(这台研磨机在运转时发出很大的噪音。)
- She prefers to use a manual grinder for her spices, as it allows for better control.(她更喜欢使用手动研磨器来研磨香料,因为可以更好地控制。)